Saturday, April 23, 2011

Praying for those who serve

Father today I’m praying for pastors and leaders of rural and inner-city ministries.

You know us, you love us, those who feel forgotten and abandoned, those who labor where resources are few or limited. Where volunteers are few or seldom come to their aid. For these who are bi-vocational and can’t get to that conference that they hope could transform their ministry.

For those who sigh and long to do great things, that in the back of our minds don’t think can happen. They long to see you move among us, as you did and in those ‘out-of –the way’ places, as in the Book of Acts and history.

Comfort their hearts, help them to be aware, you see them, you care about them, and you are present with them. You’re here now in this moment, you hold them in hollow of you hand, and no one can rip them out of it.

Forgive our anger, and frustration because of what they don’t and sometimes, can’t have. May they sense you’re beating and loving heart for them. As they walk or drive along the road, on their way to a job to supplement their income (if any); as they turn that corner, drive over that next hill, may they sense your presence in that moment, just that moment, speak that gentle word, like the child’s game, ‘I see you!’ I see your struggle, you pain, your suffering; I see you heart’s desire, and long to see a community and children changes for the glory of Lord, and not some selfish desire and design. 

Lord, our name may never appear on the side of some building, the honors of man may evade us; we may not even be remembered when we’re gone, but you know us. You promised to reward us, Let that be enough to keep us focused on what you called us to do. This is after all your work, these are your sheep, and this is your pasture. You know where you called them to serve, you know ‘the few sheep,’ they have been given; you know the resource(s) they have at hand, may they know you love them and are thankful for them, and rejoice over them.

Grant these brothers and sisters rest in yourself, a confidence that is not born of self or ability, but of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. They are yours, they are your gift to the body of Christ, give them courage to face what comes next and what won’t. May they labor for the “Well done, good and faithful servant,’ you promise that will someday given soon.

This I pray, in the strong Name of Jesus, our servant Lord, Amen.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Appreciate You!

"Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you." - 1 Thessalonians 5:12

Today, I'd like to pause a moment to let you know how much I appreciate you being in and a part of my life. You've known me in good time and bad; in times when I've struggled you made a point to encourage me or pray for me and I want you to know how much that has meant to me.

You know who you are, and I can't thank you enough for just being there. For some this has been in ministry, some in business and the community; you are a member of a select group of people who God has used to impact my life. Whether near or far, nor how close we are as friends, etc., does not matter, you have been a blessing to me and I thank you just for being who you are.

I appreciate you!

Love ya,

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Need to Remember

Monday, 18 April 2011 12:00 AM EDT R.T. Kendall Daily Devotionals - 

I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3
God has a perfect memory, and yet, if we are to believe the psychologists, so have we. Psychologists say we never really forget. Well, you could have fooled me, but that's what they say. We do forget, however. When we look back on our past we remember things that were pleasant. Yet it is one thing consciously to remember things; the sad thing is there are some things we don't forget, especially if something is pointed out to us. One of the things that will make hell, hell is that you will have a memory in hell. In Luke 16:25, Abraham said to the man who was in hell, "Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony."
But even on this planet, sometimes even as Christians our memories have to be jogged. At the Last Supper Jesus said, "Do this in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19). One of the reasons for the Lord's Supper is to jog our memories, to remind us how we know we are going to go to heaven. For when we eat the bread and drink the cup, there before us are symbolized the body and the blood of Jesus.
The first time the word remember appears in the Bible is in Genesis 9:15-16, where God said to Noah, "I will remember my covenant. ... Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant." Sometimes it seems as if God is slow to remember. Sometimes we come to Him and cry, "O God, remember!" The question is, we ask God to remember, but do we remember? There is one thing God appreciates, and I cannot stress this too much, He appreciates being thanked. Remember to thank Him.
Excerpted from All's Well That Ends Well (Authentic Media,

Father today, I want to thank you, no long list of needs and concerns, you know these all too well. But a heartfelt thank you!
Thank you for challenges disgusted as problems and diffuclties; thank you for struggle that ultimately will make me stronger; thank for you calling in my life, someone else you called, didn’t answer and for some, the response was only half-hearted. You have been refocusing my heart, I look to you now. No I don’t know the what; the were or even the how, but you care too much about me for me to think, you called me to fail.
Thank you for loved ones, who care and reach out to me and others, because they know you have a purpose for our lives. Thank you for pain, it tells me something isn’t right and needs attention. Thank you for intercession. I wonder why did that person, that need come to mind? Thank you for the burden I don’t understand, but you do. Thank you for your presence in my life, your Spirit making intercession with goanings I don’t begin to understand. Thank you for leading beside the still waters, so that soul may be refreshed. Thank you for “making me lay down, in greed pastures . . .” with the sun shining on my face, the gentle breezes, or even when that dark clouds hang low, “I will fear no evil, for thou art with me . . “ Thank you for allowing me to love you for yourself, yes, you do all these thing and so much more, but I thank you today, just for yourself. May I kiss you face for being God, and my God indeed.
Keep looking up, Love ya,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Something that keeps ringing in me . . .

"I shall not die, but live, and declare [Proclaim; Recount; Tell] the works of the LORD. Psalms 118:17

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thank you for your concern

First, allow me to thank you for your love and concern, I’ve have so blessed to hear from you. I am back to work and spent at yesterday at ATS working with the Capstone Project, (a program for graduating M.D. students.)

I have had additional testing done, and will be meeting with my physician this week to discuss next steps. With Barbara’s and my families help I am changing my eating habits, drinking a great deal of water, (Yuck! SMILE!) As you might notice, I’m spending my evenings and weekends away from the office.

My weekly prayer time with you today begins with a devotional I read on Sunday morning, I will conclude in prayer.

Sunday, 10 April 2011 12:00 AM EDT R.T. Kendall Daily Devotionals -

Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe. 1 Samuel 24:5

When you know that a person is obsessed with you and is out to discredit you, you are very, very blessed indeed. This doesn't happen to everyone. You are chosen, for behind your enemy is the hand of God. God has raised up your enemy—possibly just for you! King Saul's pursuit of David was the best thing that could have happened to David at the time. God did David a very special favor: he raised up Saul to keep him on his toes, to teach him to be sensitive to the Spirit (1 Sam. 24:5), and to teach him total forgiveness. Saul was David's passport to a greater anointing.

When you totally forgive your enemy, you have crossed over into a supernatural realm. Perhaps you are like me and wish you could excel in all the gifts of the Spirit; you wish you could have a hand in signs and wonders; you'd love to see your usefulness intensified and extended by a double anointing. The gifts are supernatural; that is, they are above and beyond the natural order of things. There is no natural explanation for the truly miraculous. But if you and I totally forgive someone who is truly an enemy, believe me, we have just crossed over into the realm of the supernatural.

I believe this is the highest level of spirituality that exists. This is as good as it gets. Totally forgiving an enemy is as spectacular as any miracle. No one may even know, though. You quietly intercede for them in solitude. Only God, the angels, and the devil know.

You and I can do something exceedingly rare: forgive an enemy (if we have one). Loving an enemy defies natural explanation.

It begins with having sufficient motivation. I am literally seeking to motivate you in these lines to do what very few do—but which all can do: totally forgive anyone who has hurt you. And the blessing is beyond words to describe.

Excerpted from Total Forgiveness (Charisma House, 2002).

Father,  I thank you for my enemies. You have a purpose for both of us. I thank you for choosing me for this ‘blessing.’ You are behind where I am and where I’ve been. You have had your hand in every phase of my life. Certainly they have kept me on my toes. You are working all things for your purpose, even that which I can’t see or make sense of. Because of your work through my enemy I am becoming more sensitive to your Spirit. I thank you for this passport to our next and greater anointing.

Help me as I extend to these that have wounded and hurt me, you love and grace, even when they don’t know about it or want it if they did. So I thank you for your supernatural gifting in my life, yet to brought out, because of what you know is best for me. I need your grace to forgive as I have been forgiven, even by those who could (or should extend it) but won’t. You loved me when I didn’t deserve it, you expect me to extend the same grace the those who like myself don’t deserve it. Jesus, I complain, I can’t! Your response to me, I know, that’s why I’ve given you MY Spirit, “and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens (enables) me.” Yes, Lord, AMEN. So, I thank you for stepping over into the supernatural. One perhaps I don’t ‘see or sense,’ but I know now where I am, moving and becoming more and more like yourself.

I ask you to bless them, these my enemies for your purpose where they created, and for my devolvement you allow them to go just so far and no further. The wounds are deep and deeply felt; this is where you pour in the oil and wine of your healing, that I may be the means of healing for others. Pour out your riches blessings upon them, their families, businesses, ministries and lives; bring healing to their wounds; they are your anointed, I dare not touch them.

Come now Holy Spirit and do your best work in me and these, because we are both and all your children. This I pray in the Strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Love ya,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When you carry your Bible

When you carry the Bible, Satan gets a headache.....
When you open it, he collapses....
When he sees you reading it, he faints.....
When he sees that you are living what you read, he flees......
And when you are about to forward this message...
he will try and discourage you..
I just defeated him!!!  Any other takers?

Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point.

A Shout out to my my Wife Barbara for this one.