For far too many of us, the greeting, Merry Christmas, has almost lost its meaning. It falls from our lips with so little effort we forget the deapth of its real purpose. Our culture has become so secular words, phases, “God bless you,” etc., and just what we say. So I decided I’d change the greeting a little. Blessed Christmas! What’s the difference? Let’s see?
In our culture, let’s define the word: mer·ry: –adjective, mer·ri·er, mer·ri·est.
1.full of cheerfulness or gaiety; joyous in disposition or spirit: a merry little man.
2. laughingly happy; mirthful; festively joyous; hilarious: a merry time at the party.
3. Archaic . causing happiness; pleasant; delightful.
For the purpose of this message, let’s use the Archaic definition, Causing happiness; pleasant; delightful. Which has nothing to do with ‘shopping, gift-giving, (gift-getting), spending, etc.
I hope I haven’t ‘rained on your parade, but for those of us who know Jesus, may this be the merry time of the year. We can cause happiness by making ‘that’ phone call; sending ‘that’ card; dropping in on ‘that’ some-one who would never expect you. What no cookies? No, some of us don’t need another cookie(s), especially the butter kind, smile!
How about being pleasant and delightful, to those who don’t deserve it, oh my! No, not because they deserve it, but because that is what He gave me, Help me to return Your favor Jesus.
Please forgive the impersonal nature of this communication, I waited far too long to mail many of you a Christmas card, but I hope you know how much you mean to me. If you feel forgotten, please remember, you are not alone. Jesus felt the same way in the garden. Yet as he cried out to the Father, god sent angels to strengthen and comfort Him. You are not forgotten nor alone, Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with us.”
God bless you. God loves you and so do I.