It is at Memorial Day, we as a nation pause to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our county and our freedom. It is right therefore, that as Christians, we too should pause to remember those who like our service men and women gave their lives for the Kingdom of God.
We too are involved in warfare against a great adversary, the devil. Many of our brothers and sisters in arms give every day of their lives for the cause of Christ at home and on the foreign field. They sacrifice everything we hold dear, time, talent and treasure for the name of Jesus. I would like to take a moment and remember them.
Many of us who have never ‘served’ in the armed forces, yet we too serve under the banner of Christ, and His banner over us is love. We are called to serve, to give our lives for the one who gave His life for us. When our life’s work is done, there are no parades, muffled drums, flag ceremonies or pipers playing a lament over us. We are fortunate if a few friends come and gather around our families to sing the praises of our loving Lord. The minister will remind those of us who live of the life our loved one offered.
Many of our fellow believers suffer greatly for the cause of Christ, and often they suffer in silence and unknown by the vast majority of the world even fellow believers. Pastors, their wives and family suffer (bravely) alongside them, even while they too don’t say or speak of the pain they too endure. No grand memorials are raised in their memory; often their graves have no marker or tombstone to mark their final resting place. It is as they too are “the Unknown Soldier, or as our British cousins say, “the unknown warrior.”
Well today I want to pay tribute these “unknown soldiers.” First they are not unknown, our God know everyone of their names, because “no one can pluck them out of my hand;” You Lord were with them at their calling and falling; you swept them into your presence at the moment of their death. They rest with you, even now.
I thank you for their testimony, their lives and their gifts, even those I don’t their name or how and where they served. Help me and those that follow them to live as honorably as they did, to work as hard and be willing to sacrifice as much for your glory.
Today Father, I honor you for the gift you made of these to me and countless others; they didn’t know me or know I would be born, but they knew you and dared to believe your Word and live in the power and presence of your Holy Spirit. They are warriors and victors, they have fought a good fight, they have finished they course, and now they wait for the promise of the reward they’ve earned, not for themselves, but for your glory.
Father, I bless their memory and pray I and others will live up to the example they have left for us.