Monday, March 25, 2013

A Prayer for Christian leaders - 3/25/2013

Abba, today I pray for those of us who are preparing for one of the most important Sunday morning messages of our times and lives. To some it it just ‘another Sunday morning message,’ we are often unaware of how mightly you can and often do move among us, through people just like us.

Thank you for the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, even now. This week some of us will be called upon the preach the funeral of a dear and beloved brother or sister in Christ, who it seems has passed into eternity all too soon; a friendship broken because of death we wish had not taken place. Or, we will be called to the bedside of someone, in a hospital or nursing home, to the home of young one, we didn’t see coming. We who use language and words often so easily, will find moments and times like these, as moments when . . .

Come Holy Spirit, we need you now more than ever. Lives depend upon you to change and transform, to convict and allow us to find a place of brokenness, where only you can repair or/or restore. Here Lord is where and when we need you the most. Here in the quiet of this moment, when I sit with and open Bible, and open heart and empty sheet of paper (or computer page) is where you can do your best work. Thank you for your inspiration and direction; for a living Word to a broken world.

And for those of us, who don’t preach or teach this weekend, may we too be instruments of a transformed life, by how we live, our lives being ‘living testimonies.’ of the ever living Christ! This year, this Resurrection Sunday, come Holy Spirit!!! Come!!! Work in and among us. Our clothes may not be new or stylish, may you be seen in what we are rather than what we have to wear. Thank you for the reminders of what you’ve done for us, in coming, living, dying and rising again for us. Thank you and I bless you for the gift you’ve made of us, to those who know you and the many who don’t. Many don’t care or know to care, but you do, and I thank you that you’ve made of me and others the voice of God to a wounded, and dying society and world.  This our prayer, in Your Name, AMEN!!!

P.S. to my fellow ministers wh0 will stand to proclaim your Holy Word this Resurrection Sunday, PREACH SIR, (MA'AM!)

Love ya, T


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Just Thinking:

When friends let you down. Jesus asked three for his closest friends, to accompany him to the garden of Gethsemane (Luke 29:39 - 46) at a critical moment in his life, they fell asleep, not once but THREE times. Sad, but true of not only them, but many of our friends as well. 

Most of us are willing, but " . . . the flesh is weak." I need you, when I need you, but you weren't there for me! I've had it, and you will as well! Why am I surprised or pained by it? That's just the way we are at times. Please remember Peter's promise that he would die with Jesus. It turns out this is the same guy, who denied the Lord THREE times in the same evening.

Jesus was 'hurt' by by their failure and so will you, when I need you the most, (and I've been there for you) and you don't or won't come through for me. Don't be surprised, we all have or will let someone who loves us or needs us, down at some point. Jesus demonstrated his love for them, by including them in the moment of his arrest and after his resurrection.

I hope by His grace I too can and will be as generous with those who when I needed them, didn't call, didn't come through for me or spent time with me in my "Garden of Gethsemane' moment.

Love ya, T


Praying Together for each Other

Abba, thank you today for those who support us in our life, work, calling and Ministry; for those who take time to offer prayer, say or send a word of encouragement and those who simply pray for me and don’t comment etc., for us, thank you.

Thank you for those who stick by and with us, often I wonder why? Thank you for these gifts to us, may we share our love with them and others as well.

Thank you for open hearts and minds to love and work with us. Thank you for a “ . . . a little meal in a barrel, and little cruse of oil, . . .” (1 Kings 17:12,) that you are working with to bring about miracles we don’t expect.

Thank you for your blessing today and throughout this week on these your children, and fellow servants, In the mighty Name of Jesus I pray, AMEN!!!