Friday, March 11, 2011

Relationships in ministry. Well here goes . . .

What I'm about to share with you may be one of the most difficult I've shared to date. I hope you can hear my heart. I was catching up on my reading and a copy of Charisma J. Lee Grady wrote the following:


For three years I've wanted to gather a group of friends for a time of encouragement and personal ministry. I couldn't afford to host a fancy event, and I didn't think these guys wanted a big hoopla with expensive hotels and high-priced speakers.

So we went with a simple format that involved a donated church facility, totally informal dress code, sub sandwiches, North Carolina barbecue and cheap rooms at a Hampton Inn. What surprised me was that 91 men from 20 states and four foreign countries showed up for three days of worship, small-group interaction and inspiring messages from 32 of the guys. (don't worry, they kept comments brief.)

What happened in that small window of time amazed me. Weary pastors met new friends. Younger guys bonded with new mentors. men opened their hearts about their deepest struggles. And best of all God showed up and spoke to many of the guys about their insecurities and fears.

On the second day a panel of six young men shared about their need for godly role models. some admitted that they have dysfunctional relationships with their dads. Others said they found it difficult to connect with spiritual fathers.

One man Charles, said that in his church, young men were never allowed to develop real friendships with pastors and leaders. They were expected to be "armor bears" who acted like personal valets - by shining the pastor's shoes, carrying his water bottle and escorting him to the pulpit.

The young men who came to our Bold Venture discipleship weekend were crying out for authentic relationships. They aren't going to receive the mentoring or the spiritual nurture they need by carrying a preacher's Bible or serving as his bodyguard. True discipleship only happens in a loving, relational context.
This was the apostle Paul's method of discipleship. Though he did speak in church meetings, his ministry wasn't focused on events, sermons or a flashy delivery style. And it certainly wasn't about high-pressure offerings, pulpit showmanship or grand entrances. There was nothing fake or phony about New Testament Christianity.

Paul told the Thessalonians that he was "well-pleased to impart to you not only the Gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us." (1 Thess. 2:8, NASB). he knew ministry was all about investing in people. he did not live for applause, silk suits or swooning crowds.

The reason he could endure beatings, shipwrecks, betrayal, riots, hunger and imprisonments is that he loved the men and women on his ministry team. Everything he did was about pouring the life of Jesus into Timothy, Silvanus, mark, Phoebe, Priscilla, Euodia and all the other New Testament heroes who called Paul a spiritual father.

How would Paul react if he were alive to see the warped version of 'ministry' we've created? I imagine he would tear his robe and call us all back to raw humility.

Robert , a Ugandan pastor, wrote me a week after our retreat to share with me his plan for disciplining men. he said, "Next week I will meet about 24 guys to deposit what I experienced. We are going to do life together, laugh, cry, be vulnerable and open with each other. This is not and African thing, but I know it is the way to go."

Like Robert, I don't want an armor bearer, a bodyguard or an entourage. But I do want to spend the rest of my life mentoring and empowering young people. It was Paul's style. And it's the Jesus way.

Discipleship is a simple concept - too simple for some of us who have become addicted to the fancy bells and whistles of American religion. But if you listen carefully, amid the noise of the crowd, you'll hear the Holy Spirit calling us back to new Testament basics.

This is where my heart is, and I will be spending the rest of my life and ministry investing in the lives of those pastors, ministers and those who hunger to be in relationship Jesus and 'a brother' in Christ. I'd love to walk together with you on the journey.

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