Interesting that this thought should cross my mind. How often have I said to someone, ‘pray for me.’ Did they (you) pray? Are we praying for each other or has it too become just something we say?
Prayer doesn’t take long, but I believe it should be focused. Not just a general, “Lord bless so and so,” but taking a moment and ask, ‘what two or three things, do you want me to pray for?” And then spend some real time with God in prayer. It’s okay for you to ask me, “Tony, what’s pressing you right now?” Beyond the finances, (most of us have that one, I think.)
Let’s get real here, I know you can’t be that transparent with everyone, so pick somebody, anybody and say to them, will you pray with me about . . .? Yes, even I struggle, some of you may find that hard to believe, but I’m not ‘there yet’ myself. I’m sorry if that let you down, but the truth is I’ve got some closets I’d rather not you open, and only God can clean them out or up. Okay, there I’ve said it ‘out loud!”
I need your support as well as you need mine, maybe a little more or less, but frankly who cares? We need each other. And if you don’t need me, that’s okay, but I need you! I’d love to hear from you, over the net or over the phone, why even ‘snail-mail,’ will work, it takes a little longer but I’ll be glad to get it.
God has not called you to be ‘The Lone Ranger,” “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Eccl. 4:9-10.
Nor am I suggesting that something is wrong with or about you, it’s the fact that you are important to me, and I don’t like a great deal of silence. It’s fine and I often enjoy it, but went it comes to my brother and sisters in Christ, I want to heard from them as often as possible. I can’t do this without you and frankly I don’t want too.
That’s my prayer for this week Jesus, you know what to do with and how to handle it. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
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