Wednesday November 16, 2011
Abba, I thank you for your love for me, even in the moments when I feel I’ve let you down by my behavior, you assure me of you constant love and willingness to forgive. So here I am, confessing my sin, not because of guilt, but because of your love. I’m not proud of myself I need you more now than ever.
I thank you for walking with me, past those things which life offers that seek to bring me in bondage.
Today I pray for those who like me struggle, and nobody but they are aware of. It is a private struggle, our society says, “there’s nothing wrong with that..,”( whatever ‘that’ is,) but at our core we know better. Your Word has given us light but we’re not listening or looking for the warnings which tell is we’re headed in a wrong direction, come Holy Spirit! Here I am Jesus, not attempting to conceal or hide from you, but trusting you not only for forgiveness, but grace to fight by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for your faithful servants, faithful when the funds and workers are few; when others ‘suggest’ we might want to reconsider the work we’re doing or ‘joining forces’ with a stronger group or organization; but we can’t. It’s not stubbornness, but a real sense we are called to serve here, this place and these people. Why even some of those we serve, wonder “why are you still here and doing this?”
I pray for the weary, may you strengthen their resolve to continue the fight. Not matter which ‘round” this is, the host of heaven look on, believing what they did in preparing us for this day, won’t be lost. You have promised us VICTORY! You have the ability to do what you have spoken, I (we) are the instruments you’re using to get it done. Forgive my faltering steps, my less than stellar belief in a moment of doubt. I thought it was all on me.
I thank you for being present, even when I ‘feel or sense” nothing. I thank you for comfort, just enough to believe you for the next step. I am not alone! I have not run out of resources, whatever I have you have provided, and if you must you will expand upon it, create a harvest from it or work with my faith for the results you want.
I thank you for a faith enough to believe you with what I have in hand at the present. I praise you for what is coming, it may be just enough to keep me moving or enough to trust you in the moment. You are an AWSOME God in my present, yes even NOW!
In Jesus matchless name, AMEN!!!!!!!!!
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