Monday, February 27, 2012

Praying together on Monday - 2/27/2012


I honor you today for your love for these my brothers and sisters in Christ. For each of these who have meant a great deal to me, many of them don't have any idea how much they mean to you and to me as well. We all struggle, we are not without fault and my failures are many, yet you make it clear to me, "I love you," and you just won't leave me alone, THANK YOU!.

May this week prove to be a seminal week for them, where the breakthrough they seek catch up with what they have needed for some time. That which we long for and have trusted you for, begin to break forth. As we quiet our hearts, and listen for you your voice may we hear your song of love over us. Help me to remember, it's not what I am  nor what I do that's important to you, but who I am and who you are making me into for your purpose. 

Jesus, I'm just a man and there are moments when the journey seems so lonely, and I feel abandoned, those moments when no one seems to have any need of me and where I'm called to serve; where resources are low and few; for someone to walk and labor with me; and where your Spirit calls for me to go just one more mile, (or kilometer.) In those moments when I wonder, ". . . what's the point?" When I am preparing to speak and all I have to show for what I've done is sweat, and a blank piece of paper waiting for a Word to share with your people. 

For those of us in 'secular' employment and don't feel called to ministry, I pray that you will allow them to see their value and blessing that they are, where they are. May we come to believe that even we have value in your Kingdom. As I pray for these today, I am remembering that my piece of toast won't be quite the same if it were not for the raisin and bits of cinnamon with in it, to some I may be nothing more than a died raisin that used to be a plump grace, but to those who need nourishment, I am not just that, but something refreshing as well. That is your work in me. May i learn to remember and enjoy who you have made me and you continue to make me for the purpose you will and want. 

I love you Abba, my Savior, God, King yes, friend.

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