Monday, June 25, 2012

Abba, Today I thank you for your love of me as a person. Not even for the calling you placed upon my life or ministry I’m serving in, but just because you have placed you love upon me.

Forgive me for wanting more than you know I can handle, the expectation for which I spend so much time thinking about or wishing for. May I relearn your truth, “ . . .seek ye first the kingdom of God and your righteousness and all these things will be added . . .” (Matt. 6:33) I’ve been taught to ask the question, “what’s in it for me?” While I should be asking, Lord what’s in it for you and your  kingdom? What is it you want to do in and through me, and may I be willing for follow you until you get me there.

Here Lord I open my heart with all of its wound before you, no longer hiding or pretending It didn’t happen, it didn’t hurt and I’m not broken or wounded because of what’s happened. You know the truth all too well. I ask for your forgiveness for my personal prejudices and pride because of who am I, where I was born or even the privilege I was born with. I take so much for granted, so even here I need you. Thank you for help you know (and knew) I needed, even when i didn’t. You loved me when I was unlovable, unwilling to love or to accept love.

So here I am Lord, at the start of a new week, I have my schedule and my plan for what I want to accomplish, but I’m open for you to move in and do your best work in and around me. I give you permission, to arrange things just the way you want them; forgive me when I say, ouch! and attempt to change your mind even in prayer. Come Holy Spirit, come, I and we need you here not just near.

Remember our young people during these summer months, protect them by focusing their minds and hearts toward yourself; remember our seniors, who often seem to be forgotten and alone; may both of these groups of people find a place for each other and together become a blessing to each other.

I love you Abba, but you started this, you turned your heart toward me first; I am honored to be called your son and servant; a child of the King, I love you High king of heaven. Amen!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Am So Very Proud of You 

You may be one of the most despised and hated group of people on the face of the earth, but I am so very proud of you

You who defied the odds and remained in school and graduated, when so many others “dropped out.” I am so very proud of you.

If you were one of those who did drop out, but then you struggled and pursued your G.E.D. and successfully completed it, I am so very proud of you

You may not have gone to college, you had to support yourself, so you found a job, any job which paid minimum wage, to provide for yourself and those you loved, I am so very proud of you.

You met a young women, and you married her; you could have, ‘lived together,’ but you chose to risk it all and marry this women, I am so very proud of you

Together you struggled, working to care for the children that came of the love you shared, I am so very proud of you

You face the challenges every married couple face, but choose to remain together through God’s mercy and with good council and yes, poor council as well, you made it, your lives together work, I am so very proud of you

When others sold drugs, used drugs and became a scourge to your own community, you stood against the ‘grain’ to build not only your family, but a community as well, I am so very proud of you

You took jobs, others didn’t want or refuse to do, because it put food on the table; dangerous jobs, in the coal mines, steel mills, railroad cars, often low paying jobs; When winter came and you could no longer do street and road construction, you cleaned junk from houses of those who were ‘better-off’ than yourself, just to keep food on the table for your children and those who weren’t yours as well, I am so very proud of you

It hurt your pride, but you refuse to steal, or become a part of the ‘criminal-element,’ even as you were viewed with suspicious eyes and thoughts, others. You fought in every war this county faced, whether you wanted to or not. You didn’t run for the boarder, or head off to college to avoid the draft; you signed up and fought and helped win the battle for freedom in the lives of others in faraway lands. Even as you were denied those same freedoms here at home, I am so very proud of you

You dared to stand as a man, to fight for the rights of yourself and others against laws and tyranny with our women and those who didn’t look like us, for freedom guaranteed in the constitution and the bill of rights, I am so very proud of you

When there were no jobs, you created legal means to provide for your family, long before the welfare system came into being, I am so very proud of you

When opportunities became available you ‘stepped up,’ and made the best of it you could. There were failures, but many more of you succeed then they (and are) were given credit for, I am so very proud of you

You fought for what you have; no one ‘gave you’ much of anything. You found something that was abandoned, tossed away or considered junk; you repaired it and brought it home, with a pride as if you purchased it from the best store in town. I am so very proud of you

When others left the inner cities, you and your family moved into it, and created a community. You fought drug dealers and gangs to make it a safe place, even while others blamed you for was happening around you. I am so very proud of you

You know who you are!!!
T. A. Burns 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Praying Together On Monday 6/11/2012


Today my prayer is not only for you pastor and Christian leader, but for your wife, and family as well. How often we undertake a ‘job’ or responsibility never thinking what that and these decisions have upon our families. If you received or perceived a holy calling, I (we) forgot that those closest to us are involved as well. Lord, help us, I never thought or knew what this calling and ministry would cost us.Give us courage and strength as a family unit to accomplish your will and work. Help me not to forget those who labor with me, and at home as well.

For my brothers and sisters who are single and serving, struggling alone, and for those who long for the companionship of someone who loves them for themselves and not what they look like or who they are, give them courage to stand in the power of your Holy Spirit, until you give them that ‘help-meet’ that one who is willing to walk alongside them trusting in and for your guidance. For those who have abandoned the idea and hope that love and help will find them, peace, deep joyous peace, even if what is wanted or longed for does not seem to be on the horizon.

Lord, for those who were ‘left holding the bag,” with empty promises, hopes and dreams unfulfilled, grace, knowing you see, you hear and you will avenge your promise, even when those we love have left us for whatever reason. Thank you for being God even here.

For those who have staff to help and those who don’t, a special blessing,they too are fellow laborers in Christ and for those without, I praise you for that day when we will have someone to do . . .; and yes, for those who never will,  may your embracing grace prove stronger than what I would expect or hope for, Thank you for strength enough to not only hold on, but to fight on until you answer our cry or wipe the tears from our eyes.

Come Holy Spirit, be thou my strength and my shield, someone is at the point of breaking or letting go, my we sense the strength of your hand and strong arm holding our’s and knowing you won’t let go! Here I am Jesus, this is me, this is who I and we are, THANK YOU for being present in this moment, in this place and I didn’t know it. THANK YOU for seeing your face when I can’t see the next step before me. Fearing I will turn and run for, to to anywhere but here. Now Lord of my life, I thank you for your assurance of your love for me and each of us, even when there is nothing but emptiness before and around me; Even here you are present and God of my situation. Thank you for resources I didn’t know about; opportunities that weren’t there a moment ago; and bring victory out of what seems utter defeat, You are Emmanuel, God with us, God with me!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Never-forsaking God

What line of thinking do my thoughts take? Do I turn to what God says or to my own fears? Am I simply repeating what God says, or am I learning to truly hear Him and then to respond after I have heard what He says? “For He Himself has said, ’I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say: ’The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’ ” (Hebrews 13:5-6).
“I will never leave you . . .”— not for any reason; not my sin, selfishness, stubbornness, nor waywardness. Have I really let God say to me that He will never leave me? If I have not truly heard this assurance of God, then let me listen again.
“I will never . . . forsake you.” Sometimes it is not the difficulty of life but the drudgery of it that makes me think God will forsake me. When there is no major difficulty to overcome, no vision from God, nothing wonderful or beautiful— just the everyday activities of life— do I hear God’s assurance even in these?
We have the idea that God is going to do some exceptional thing— that He is preparing and equipping us for some extraordinary work in the future. But as we grow in His grace we find that God is glorifying Himself here and now, at this very moment. If we have God’s assurance behind us, the most amazing strength becomes ours, and we learn to sing, glorifying Him even in the ordinary days and ways of life.

My prayer response:
Abba, I ask for your forgiveness because I dared to fear while you are near. Lord, open my eyes, my heart, I want to see you and hear you; and after hearing that I would respond to what you are saying. I thank you for this promise to me. “. . . I will never leave you nor forsake you.” What a word, what a promise. Thank you for this declaration, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear, What can man do to me?” That is a bold and confident statement I make under your authority.

Thank you for your word to me, “ . . . I will never leave you . . .” Not for any reason, period, name the reason, the sin, nor how broken I am, you won’t change your mind and walk away from me. Do you really love and care for me that much? Do you really mean this? The answer comes back, loudly and powerfully, YES! I mean every word of this statement and I will never change my mind about you. Jesus, when I forget (my memory seems so short) let me listen to this word again. “ . . . I will never . . .  forsake you.” It is the ordinary, mundane things of life that make me think you have and will forsake me. I think, if I were ‘special” you wouldn’t forsake me. At this time in my life, there is nothing earthshaking, no cancer, etc., nothing wonderful and beautiful, just the ordinary, everyday activities of my ordinary life, even here you have given the assurance in this and these.

I too want, wish for and yes, the exceptional, extraordinary work in the future. Yet it is here in my ordinary everyday life that you speak to me and tell me you have given me grace and in that grace you are glorifying yourself, yes, here and now in the present moment. With this assurance behind me, I know I've been given the strength I wish I had; that you are “the Lord of the dance, You’re the dancing Lord, and you’re dancing over me!” Lord may I find my voice today and learn to sing and with gusto glorifying you even in the ordinary days and ways of this life you’ve given.

Welcome Holy Spirit to this new day and to each new day here after, open my thoughts to your living word within me. Thank you for loving someone so ordinary as myself. Thank you for being present in each moment and in the noise of my life, speaking powerfully and lovingly with this assurance so wonderfully that it stills the noise around me and I hear you saying the same words from the beginning, “I will leave you nor forsake you.”

Jesus you know I’ve been left and abandoned by some, but I am not to judge you by them. You haven’t changed your mind about me, THANK YOU!!! Amen!!!