Today my prayer is not only for you pastor and Christian leader, but for your wife, and family as well. How often we undertake a ‘job’ or responsibility never thinking what that and these decisions have upon our families. If you received or perceived a holy calling, I (we) forgot that those closest to us are involved as well. Lord, help us, I never thought or knew what this calling and ministry would cost us.Give us courage and strength as a family unit to accomplish your will and work. Help me not to forget those who labor with me, and at home as well.
For my brothers and sisters who are single and serving, struggling alone, and for those who long for the companionship of someone who loves them for themselves and not what they look like or who they are, give them courage to stand in the power of your Holy Spirit, until you give them that ‘help-meet’ that one who is willing to walk alongside them trusting in and for your guidance. For those who have abandoned the idea and hope that love and help will find them, peace, deep joyous peace, even if what is wanted or longed for does not seem to be on the horizon.
Lord, for those who were ‘left holding the bag,” with empty promises, hopes and dreams unfulfilled, grace, knowing you see, you hear and you will avenge your promise, even when those we love have left us for whatever reason. Thank you for being God even here.
For those who have staff to help and those who don’t, a special blessing,they too are fellow laborers in Christ and for those without, I praise you for that day when we will have someone to do . . .; and yes, for those who never will, may your embracing grace prove stronger than what I would expect or hope for, Thank you for strength enough to not only hold on, but to fight on until you answer our cry or wipe the tears from our eyes.
Come Holy Spirit, be thou my strength and my shield, someone is at the point of breaking or letting go, my we sense the strength of your hand and strong arm holding our’s and knowing you won’t let go! Here I am Jesus, this is me, this is who I and we are, THANK YOU for being present in this moment, in this place and I didn’t know it. THANK YOU for seeing your face when I can’t see the next step before me. Fearing I will turn and run for, to to anywhere but here. Now Lord of my life, I thank you for your assurance of your love for me and each of us, even when there is nothing but emptiness before and around me; Even here you are present and God of my situation. Thank you for resources I didn’t know about; opportunities that weren’t there a moment ago; and bring victory out of what seems utter defeat, You are Emmanuel, God with us, God with me!
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