Monday, July 16, 2012


Today I thank you for each of these your children called to be your servants, and the opportunity to be a part in sharing  hope in a time filled with hopelessness and despair. Father our world and our county are divided, economically, socially, racially, why even Your church is divided. Come Holy Spirit, may we learn to sing again, "Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, . . .;  All one body we, one in hope and doctrine, one in charity, . . ." While this hymn may no longer be popular, its truth remains. Lord we are at war, and many are asleep, made comfortable by our social standing or status and place in the world. 

May our hearts be knit together for one cause, one Lord, one faith and one baptism, Oh, that we might be one in you, by you and because of you.  May your love kindle a fire within us, and may that fire burn into a flame so hot, it purges my own prejudice and selfishness. I am yours through no act of my own will, you chose me (us). Somehow may I learn to love the 'least of these,' and even for those who don't care, even they are yours.  

You want to break down the walls that divide us, and you've provided the tool, love. May i pick it up and weld it in the power of the Holy Spirit, break my heart so that you can accomplish Your pleasure and demonstrate it to the world and say " . . . behold they love one another." My prayer today is for each of us, that we might somehow get to know those that different from myself and not merely on the surface but in digging deeper and beyond the polite conversation and daring to become not only 'brothers and sisters in Christ," but friends who challenge each other because of our passionate love for Yourself and Your Kingdom.  

Jesus, I pray today for those who have given themselves to sharing you in places that seem to break the heart of the worker; for those who weep because of lack and limitation, and yet they press on. For those where thanks are few, and those who ask," why are you here?" For those who cry tears unseen by anyone, because of another life loss to violence in their neighborhood. And yes, for those who live among affluence and never see that tragic loss of spiritual and emotional life around them. Lord, I thank you that I (we) are not alone in this struggle, You're right in there with us, THANKS, for being here, and standing with us, THANK YOU for this Your VICTORY!!

I love you, but I'm just returning what you gave me, I do you no favor, but honor you most when I reach out to someone who like myself faces my own anger, prejudices and yes, faithlessness and falls before you in real repentance and sense your hand reaching out to me, hearing Your gentle and strong voice saying to me, " . . .come here, I love you and get you!"  "I am at work, even here!" 

In your Name I pray, AMEN!!!

Love ya,  

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