Monday, September 3, 2012


I thank you for a holiday. Not that many of us who  serve you and your people are never really ‘off.”
I pray that each of us, will be thankful for a time we can spend with our families and friends. If called however, we will respond to whatever the need is, because that is how you ‘wired’ us.

I pray for a time of rest and refreshing, a moment for ‘us.’ may we never forget that we are human being and not human doings. May we never forget we are not what we do, but who you made us to be. I pray for our families as well, our wives (husbands) and families, those who are so often forgotten in the work of ministry. they too are engaged in ministry without having a holy calling. They too weep as do we from time to time. Bless them, no so much for us, but because you see and know them, love them and care for them, even in those times when it seems no one else does.

One day comes and goes so quickly, but allow the memories remain. May we always be willing to be, “broken bread and poured out wine,’ for your and your works sake. I pray for those who will read this tomorrow or later, bless them, because their schedule seem to leave so little time for the things they’d like or want to do.

I thank you for both new and ‘old’ friends, while we are separated by time or space, we are never far from you and your love for us as men and women. Not because we are ‘ministers,’ (some of aren’t) but just because we are yours. The title I bear isn’t who I am, the work I do doesn’t say anything about the value you give me in life. Grant that I may stand a little taller, remembering who you say I am. If the world thinks I’m ‘cocky’ too bad, I’m just your child.

I bless you because despite my faults and/or failures, and your continuing work in my life by the Holy Spirit. I’m yours, because of your sacrifice for me at Calvary. I love you Jesus, thank you.


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