Praying Together On Monday - 12/3/2012
Abba, Thank you for Advent. With so much to do, I can forget that “You are the reason for the season.” The some that is nothing more than a trite phrase, often quoted but not really believed or understood. With so much to do and so many to do for, I get caught up in doing and forget the real reason for this glorious time of year.
Thank you for caring so much for us as your creation, that when we fell in Adam, you provided a means of salvation and restoration for an entire race. Slow me down Lord, my mind and heart race into the next thing I’ve (we’ve) off to do. Frankly, I fail to encounter you as I’m at work for you. Here in this moment in this simple prayer, come Holy Spirit, may i seek you who isn’t hard to find or that far way. Come, and give me rest in yourself so that those I meet or work with will sense your presence.
Thank you for being of service to our neighbors and community, for allowing us to be your hands and feet to those who have have need. Forgive me as I often become callous to the needs around me, because they are so often greater than I can touch or resolve. Thank you for those who work with me, they have have their own ‘issues’ as I have mine. I can see theirs but often ‘gloss-over’ my own. May we learn to work together with those who disagree with me, or refuse to submit to my authority or vision. Lord, give me your heart, I’ve allowed my own to darken sometimes.
Bless these my brothers and sisters, Yes, they too are your own, to find a place where we all fit together, even as we are divided by distance, ministry type and calling; to say nothing of those clearly obvious differences, the one’s we don’t and often won’t talk about, because they are uncomfortable or won’t fit neatly into a box I’ve (we’ve) created. Lord, you know we need each other, but “I don’t know them, and why would they care about me?” It is your Spirit that touches hearts, that calls us into places where we are uncomfortable, but needed. Forgive me for trying ‘fix’ someone else, when I am so lacking myself.
So thank you for where you have led me, and brought me, use us here, in this place in th
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