Monday, May 13, 2013

Praying for you today - 5/13/2013

My pray for you today, 
" . . . There's no rule that says God can only deliver by using a big army. No one can stop God from saving when he sets his mind to it" 1 Samuel 14:6b 
[The Message Bible]


Love Ya, 


Monday, April 8, 2013

Praying for you as you lead

Abba, thank you for today and life you’ve given me. All that i have is your gift and I am reminded that without you I don’t have anything. Thank you for being central to our lives, may we walk with you to become complete in you.  Thank you for the work you’ve begun and doing in me, even as I am unsure what that might be.

Bless these my brothers, sisters and fellow laborers in your holy calling upon our lives. Thank you the work we’ve been called into, no matter how challenging. Thank you for the struggle, and yes, the pain that accompanies it. You’ve led us this far, I trust you for where you are leading.

Thank you for protection as we go on to what’s next.I love you for the way you love me.

In your Name I pray, Amen!!!

Love ya, T.A.B.,


Monday, March 25, 2013

A Prayer for Christian leaders - 3/25/2013

Abba, today I pray for those of us who are preparing for one of the most important Sunday morning messages of our times and lives. To some it it just ‘another Sunday morning message,’ we are often unaware of how mightly you can and often do move among us, through people just like us.

Thank you for the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, even now. This week some of us will be called upon the preach the funeral of a dear and beloved brother or sister in Christ, who it seems has passed into eternity all too soon; a friendship broken because of death we wish had not taken place. Or, we will be called to the bedside of someone, in a hospital or nursing home, to the home of young one, we didn’t see coming. We who use language and words often so easily, will find moments and times like these, as moments when . . .

Come Holy Spirit, we need you now more than ever. Lives depend upon you to change and transform, to convict and allow us to find a place of brokenness, where only you can repair or/or restore. Here Lord is where and when we need you the most. Here in the quiet of this moment, when I sit with and open Bible, and open heart and empty sheet of paper (or computer page) is where you can do your best work. Thank you for your inspiration and direction; for a living Word to a broken world.

And for those of us, who don’t preach or teach this weekend, may we too be instruments of a transformed life, by how we live, our lives being ‘living testimonies.’ of the ever living Christ! This year, this Resurrection Sunday, come Holy Spirit!!! Come!!! Work in and among us. Our clothes may not be new or stylish, may you be seen in what we are rather than what we have to wear. Thank you for the reminders of what you’ve done for us, in coming, living, dying and rising again for us. Thank you and I bless you for the gift you’ve made of us, to those who know you and the many who don’t. Many don’t care or know to care, but you do, and I thank you that you’ve made of me and others the voice of God to a wounded, and dying society and world.  This our prayer, in Your Name, AMEN!!!

P.S. to my fellow ministers wh0 will stand to proclaim your Holy Word this Resurrection Sunday, PREACH SIR, (MA'AM!)

Love ya, T


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Just Thinking:

When friends let you down. Jesus asked three for his closest friends, to accompany him to the garden of Gethsemane (Luke 29:39 - 46) at a critical moment in his life, they fell asleep, not once but THREE times. Sad, but true of not only them, but many of our friends as well. 

Most of us are willing, but " . . . the flesh is weak." I need you, when I need you, but you weren't there for me! I've had it, and you will as well! Why am I surprised or pained by it? That's just the way we are at times. Please remember Peter's promise that he would die with Jesus. It turns out this is the same guy, who denied the Lord THREE times in the same evening.

Jesus was 'hurt' by by their failure and so will you, when I need you the most, (and I've been there for you) and you don't or won't come through for me. Don't be surprised, we all have or will let someone who loves us or needs us, down at some point. Jesus demonstrated his love for them, by including them in the moment of his arrest and after his resurrection.

I hope by His grace I too can and will be as generous with those who when I needed them, didn't call, didn't come through for me or spent time with me in my "Garden of Gethsemane' moment.

Love ya, T


Praying Together for each Other

Abba, thank you today for those who support us in our life, work, calling and Ministry; for those who take time to offer prayer, say or send a word of encouragement and those who simply pray for me and don’t comment etc., for us, thank you.

Thank you for those who stick by and with us, often I wonder why? Thank you for these gifts to us, may we share our love with them and others as well.

Thank you for open hearts and minds to love and work with us. Thank you for a “ . . . a little meal in a barrel, and little cruse of oil, . . .” (1 Kings 17:12,) that you are working with to bring about miracles we don’t expect.

Thank you for your blessing today and throughout this week on these your children, and fellow servants, In the mighty Name of Jesus I pray, AMEN!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Praying Together on Monday - 2/11/2013

Abba, today I thank you for the life you given and allow me to have. You have blessed me to enjoy the presence of You own Holy Spirit every day of this life. You’ve walked not only with me, but up and down in my daily life. You have been the one constant I can depend upon, THANK YOU!

i pray today, for those bereaved families and friends who have lost loved ones recently, especially those who passed into your presence so suddenly and unexpectedly. Bless those among us, who have had to stand by the bedside of a loved one, who lingered on the verge of death itself. Even here your Spirit was present, THANK YOU! Grant us courage to trust you when we don’t understand why and why now? We have questioned your wisdom and even your sovereignty, but we know you love us, even as we struggle to understand your why. Even here we thank you!

Bless us as we begin a new week, with it’s challenges, struggles, pain and frustrations. Thank you for blessing us with a few friends, brothers and sisters who care enough to listen, and when they aren't near to share our burden or struggle, I know they are interceding for me without knowing what I (we) face.

We thank you for a good outcome to our labors and the work we do that very few see or understand. Thank you for a cheerful heart, a song not only in the night, but during our daytime as well. come Holy Spirit, do your best work in me and the ministry and life I’m called to live.

Thank you for family, even as we struggle to be ‘a family.’ Thank you for that one who loves me not only for what i do, but for who I am. Thank you for those who cause me pain and tears, and moments of question. Thank you for being so near. Thank you for help and hope as I wonder what’s next? Thank you for being the joy of my salvation, the lifter of my head, my strong tower and the peace that passes all understanding, today, throughout this week and for the rest of my life!

I love you Jesus! In your own Name i pray, AMEN!!!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Praying Together On Monday - February 4, 2013

 "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (KJV)

Abba, today I thank you for this reminder, this Word to me, that you care for me. Not only because of what I do, but because You care for me. THANK YOU!!! How simple this is, but sadly I've come to believe you were interested only in what I do or have done, Your Word to me today reminds me of the value You place upon me as a person, one of your 'dear ones.' I bless you for being called into your service and place where I serve, no matter the value others place upon me and what I'm called to do, you blessed me to be, for your greater purpose and glory, THANK YOU!

Thank you for this version on this Scripture, you "careth . . ." which implies, You continue to care. You don't stop caring for me because "I do;" You care because I am. There person I am, the purpose I serve, and the pleasure it gives you to be my God, and being in my life. 

Thank you for your ongoing concern for me and mine, if my family, THANK YOU! I my community, THANK YOU! If for no one but myself, thinking I am alone, (single), You are present, and working within and around me, for your own glory and purpose, THANK YOU!

May I find peace simply walking with you, and joy in service of yourself. Thank you for healing the wound of my past and those who like me have be wounded along the journey, you've seen our wounds, and you've poured in 'the oil and wine,' of healing, even when I don't think it 'feels' that way. You care for me. Me, the person you created me to be, the me, you continue to work on and out of for a purpose and glory I may not live to see the end of. 

THANK YOU for your care, your love and grace, which continues to work in, on and through me. Thank you for just being present, I love you! In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN!!!



Thank you Elder Lovell Garrett for being His voice to me. To

Monday, January 14, 2013

Praying Together on Monday - January 14, 2013


Abba, Today I begin with thanksgiving for your goodness and grace to me. Thank you for caring for and about me, everything that happens in and around my life is of importance to you, even the smallest detail, THANK YOU!

I don’t often understand why you allow events and circumstances to occur, but I thank you for being present, in my struggles, pain and yes, confusion. Thank you for the good days, days when things go well. Help me to trust you during good times and well as those that aren't as well.

As I minister those around me as I work alongside them, my I remember they too have difficulties and struggles as I do as well. May I remember that their days are filled with as many questions and challenges as I have.  Allow me to be filled with your Spirit of grace and understanding, as walk this road of daily living together with others.

Thank you for the mixture of elements which make up my day and week. Thank you for opportunities, and yes, even challenges I don’t understand. I pray for the selfish and self-serving;  those who seems to brush the ‘poor and less-important’ aside as if they don’t matter.

Help me to remember I’m you’re and You are at work in and through me as well as anyone else. Thank You for the value you've given me and my life. The purpose You called me to and for.  May I learn and understand the value of patience and have the willingness to continue in the work and struggle of life and ministry for you glory.

Thank you for a new week with all of you wonderful opportunities, even those that are disguised as challenges or painful experiences. Trusting you for your goodness and mercy, I walk into this new day and week believing, that “ . . . all things work together for good, to them who love the Lord, who are the called according to His purpose.”

Thank you for the ‘left-overs,’ and what some to think of ‘throwaway’s’ of these you can and often do create something new, different ; may they and we learn together how to create something new. Thank you for being at work in and around my life, for that which isn't easy. Thank you for being present. For this and these I bless you, AMEN!!!

T.A. Burns


Friday, January 4, 2013

If you are a Pastor or Christian Leader . . .

Pastors learn to Heal Themselves
By  JoAnne Viviano
The Columbus Dispatch Friday January 4, 2013 4:40 AM

Pastor Rickey Baker was wrapping up a Sunday sermon at New Palestine Church in North Linden when he suddenly felt exhausted and weak, so much so that he eventually left the sanctuary and found a seat in the foyer.

Chest pains prompted him to call for emergency medical service, and he was taken to a hospital, where the father of four learned he had had a massive heart attack.

More than two years later, the 50-year-old Baker has changed his eating habits and slimmed down. He says God was trying to wake him up and set him on a path to ensure he’d be able to keep doing the work he was meant to do.

Baker is not alone in his struggle to stay healthy as the leader of a church congregation. Recent studies indicate that clergy members might sometimes be so focused on taking care of their flock that they neglect their own health.

For example, researchers at Duke University in Durham, N.C., found in 2008 that United Methodist pastors in North Carolina had an obesity rate of about 41 percent, versus the state average of about 29 percent. The pastors also had higher rates of high blood pressure, angina, diabetes, asthma and arthritis.  “They’ve been called to this vocation of serving God, and they see serving others as an important part of that,” said Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell, the research director of the Duke University Clergy Health Initiative, which includes a two-year intervention program for those involved in the study.

“It’s never clear to them what is God’s work in answering their call and what is taking care of themselves and OK to say no to,” she said. Added to the self-pressure is pressure from congregations that expect pastors to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Proeschold-Bell said. As church budgets shrink and people have less time to volunteer, pastors are responsible for everything from mowing the lawn to planning Bible camps to raising money for a new building.

She said it’s important for church leaders to understand and address the pressures because the cost of clergy health care could bankrupt congregations. The Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Methodist Church and the Reformed Church in America are among those that have taken steps in that direction, as have local groups. In Columbus, personal trainer Sidney West of Body By Sid offers a Pastor Fit Program aimed at clergy members.

The Methodist Theological School of Ohio, in Delaware, has overhauled food-service options to encourage more-healthful eating: All-you-can-eat meals and a soft-drink fountain have been eliminated from the dining hall, and fresh fruit is free with any purchase. In vending machines, soda has been replaced with juice, candy bars with granola bars. A goal is to raise awareness when potential clergy members are just beginning on their path, said the Rev. Jay Rundell, president of the school. Along with changing food options, the school has offered more workout space and opportunities for students to take advantage of the campus’ vast outdoor areas. A healthy clergy, he said, can serve as a role model for congregations. “A pastor has the privilege to be in a very central place,” he said. “Most pastors in most congregations have a great deal of influence. With that kind of influence, you could set really good examples.”

Pastors are constantly responding to phone calls, text messages and emails, Baker said. Even when things do get quiet, the members of their congregation are still on their mind.
He and his wife, Carolyn, New Palestine’s co-pastor, joined West’s Pastor Fit Program in September after their son heard a radio ad offering a free 28-day trial.

Mr. Baker said he also changed his eating, exercise and thinking habits, and the couple have continued to work with West. “I’m really looking forward to working out now. My body craves it,” said Mrs. Baker, 48. “It’s been so great for us physically, there’s no way we could walk away.” West said he started his program because “Pastors have instilled so much in us, in me, so it was my time to give back. I realize I have a God-given gift, and I can’t keep it to myself.”

His work has led to a number of other faith-based events, including a “Chain-Breaking” health-and-fitness seminar for clergy this Saturday at New Palestine Church. A similar event for the general public is planned for February. Mr. Baker said the new lifestyle has affected the way he and his wife preach, offering their congregation messages on good health and on moving forward “one step at a time.”

“Being in this program has changed the way I look at life,” he said. “It has changed the way I look at ministry.”
A “Chain-Breaking” seminar for clergy members will feature health screenings and speakers from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday at New Palestine Church, 1000 E. Hudson St. For more information, call 614-262-5353 or visit