Thursday, December 29, 2011

From this mornings devotional - (without comment)

The Need for Fresh Anointing – By R. T. Kendall

Our reward in heaven will not be determined by yesterday’s anointing but by today’s fresh anointing. I will not receive a reward for how well I preached, how many thousands I reached or blessed, or even how many people were converted under my ministry. To be rewarded for my gifts is nonsense! “For who makes you different from anyone else?  What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” (1 Cor. 4:7).
God is not going to reward me for the ability He alone gave me. My reward is heaven (may God grant that there is such) will come entirely by whether I practiced what I preached: walked in the light, dignifying the trial, totally forgiving others, and placing utmost priority on my intimacy with him.

And yet my continued effectiveness here below is also determined by my hearing God’s voice today. If my anointing given me yesterday is replenished by a fresh anointing that comes by the way I live personally and privately, I will continue to hear God speak and will know His will daily. I will not miss what he wants of me or what He wants me to see around me. I can think of nothing worse than missing out on what God is doing. And yet my knowledge of the Bible will not in and of itself guarantee that I recognize what He is up to today.

We must all learn to distinguish the difference between what is important and what is essential – always do the latter. Whether with our use of time, money, our diaries, or social relationships, the issue is what is essential and being sure we do what is essential. Yesterday’s anointing is important; but today’s fresh anointing is essential.

Excerpted from The Anointing: yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Charisma House, 2003)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Praying together on Monday 12/18/11


As we approach Christmas, how easily it is for us to become selfish and self-absorbed. Focusing on myself, forgive me. It is the season of giving, and you gave the ultimate gift, you gave your one and only Son for people just like me. Thank you!

I see the ads on TV and radio, which encourage us to spend money we don’t have, to buy giftS for people we don’t like, so that they might think well of me. Forgive my poor attitude. What would my life be like if you had not cared for me? May I convey your love, not as a ‘man’ or people pleaser, but from a pure heart.

Remember those I pray, whose gifts will be meager if at all. That home where there will be no feast or for that matter even a tree to decorate our home. May Your presence be there even if there are no gifts to present. May there be a sense of thanksgiving for knowing you and the life that lies before us. We have no idea what lies ahead of us, or where you will lead us to with the rest of our lives. May we embrace it by faith, even as we wonder, “why now and this way?

Jesus, this is not a complaint, nor a doubt of your goodness or mercy, you make all things possible, and we walk in the light of goodness. Thanks you for feeding us by the still waters; for restoring my soul even now. I ask Your blessing on those who are tried at this busy time of year; for those who are fighting for others who won’t fight for themselves.

Bless these who are helping to feed the hungry and finding ways to help provide even a single toy for that child who won’t otherwise get one. We see the need and want so much to help, to change the system that doesn’t care for the less fortunate. Thank you for leading us to where the greatest need is. Thank you for those who have and have not forgotten what it is to go without, because we where there once and not so long ago.

I pray a special blessing upon those who will lead congregations in worship this coming Sunday morning, some will close their doors, in deference to ‘times in which we live,” bless them as well. Help me not to judge them, but to love them as you have loved me.

Holy Son of God, I thank you for being willing to become one just like me. To know my world and my life; to live among a world filled with sin, but to walk among us by the power of your desire to become the sacrifice for my (our) sin, by the power of the Holy Spirit; to go to an undeserved death so that I (we) could be redeemed. “Rising you justified, freed me forever, and one day your coming back, oh glorious day!”

Abba, I thank you for these my brothers and sisters who have giving their lives for your service, bless them with gifts that enable them to accomplish Your purpose in their and their families lives. Surround them with your love so great, they can rest in the green pastures where you have led them.

In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Praying together on Monday 12/12/11

I thank you for your blessing of healing. Not just of my physical hurts but of those deep wounds which remain open. I confess I have not always allowed you to do the work within me you wanted to do. I've kept myself closed off in certain places, thus the wounding remains.

You are He, to whom I sing, “Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,…” and yet I hold on to those very things, places and circumstances that continue to cause me pain and struggle. Teach me Lord, how to let go, forgive and turn the struggle over to you. I confess there are persons and places I can’t fix, change or alter. So here in this moment, I turn to you not only for help, but to yield them to you. You were wounded for me and you offer healing, it may not be instantaneous but you are here with me, to walk out the victory you are willing to bring.

I thank you for the walls that seem impregnable, and impossible to breach, you spoke to Joshua and said to tell your people to march around in silence for a specific period of time, thereafter, then and only then were they to shout at the sound of the Rams horn! We know the result, may I trust you to remain silent long enough and know when to respond to your command.

I thank you for your ongoing work in my life, it seems as if there is so much more for you to do; but as I look over my shoulder at what lies behind me, I praise you for the ground I’ve already covered. I am not the same person I was just a few days ago, THNAK YOU! So take the lead Lord, I am right were you want me to be; I didn’t expect this, nor was I prepared for where you led me, And I thank you for where I am, because it is here that you know I’m needed and may be most useful. It is here that you are working all things for my good; no I don’t ‘feel it,’ and frankly if I could, I’d change your mind, but you just won’t do it. I’ve run, I’ve hidden; I’ve sulked and even complained; but you’ve been faithful to me, and I thank you.

In this season of unusual busyness, “May the peace of God, rest, rule and abide with you both now and forever, AMEN!!!  

Are you ready for success?

Do not let this book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written it in. Then you will be prosperous and successful.  Joshua 1:8

The psalmist prays, “O Lord, grant us success” (Ps. 118:25), but have you ever explicitly prayed for this? So you think you are ready for it? If your answer is a quick yes, then I would caution you to be careful.

Every Thursday I would spend two hours with Dr. Lloyd-Jones, sitting at his feet, discussing the sermon for the following Sunday. He once made this throw-away comment, and I immediately got my pen and wrote it down. It was the most powerful word I ever heard him say, yet it’s in none of his books: “The worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before he is ready.” It was a word of wisdom to me at the time.

If you do want success, do you think you are really ready for it?

What kind of success are we talking about? It may be prosperity. God does indeed give financial prosperity to some, though Christians who have wealth tend to come in for a certain of criticism that may spoil their enjoyment of it. However, once in a while, God will raise up a Joseph of Arimathea or a Lydia. (See matt 27:57-60; Acts 16:14-15.)

God may want you to have influence with people, but how marvelous it would be if you could be trusted with a ministry of prayer. Some are more successful in prayer than others. Why? Because they want to be successful in prayer. I challenge you to make that your goal.

The worst thing that can happen to a person is to succeed before he’s ready. But if you succeed because god says you’re ready, there won’t be that “after” of regret. If you succeed in prayer, you will have known success greater than any other.  Maybe books won’t be written about you, but when you stand before God and Jesus Himself looks at you and says, “Well done!” it will be the greatest feeling, and it will last forever.
Excerpted from Where God shows Up (Renew Books, 1998) R. T. Kendall

My Response:
Abba, I thank you for this time and these times of preparation. You were in every moment of it; you are even now preparing me for the work and life you wish, thank you. You have tried to teach me, and I have so much more to learn, thank you for being so willing a teacher. I thank you for this statement, “the worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before he is ready.” Forgive me for thinking I was ready; I wasn’t then and perhaps not even now. But you are at work within me, thank you!

Yes, I’s like success in those places where it matters, my marriage, our children, in ministry and in our community. Yes, I’d like (and thank you for) prosperity, but then again, I bless you for the gift of prosperity I already enjoy. Forgive that which is solely about the desire for more, only to be consumed upon myself.

I thank you for the influence you’ve given me. May I continue to find ways to use it for your glory and the benefit of others. Help me to understand what it is, and power it has to advance your Kingdom and restore lives. May I able to understand what it is you have given in it.

And yes, I thank you for this prayer ministry you’ve given. It began with just a small group of pastors, and now reaches a larger number. I had no idea you would use it as you have to bless others. I didn’t get it then, nor do I now; it’s not my ministry, but yours; use it as you will for those who need it.

I ask that you will continue to help me to see myself as you do. I thank you for an open heart to love those, who like myself have been "...wounded in the house of friend," in places where there should have been healing, they found wounding, and damage. May I become one of your instruments of healing, repair and strength to these as well as others, for your glory. Jesus, its all about you, I thank you for calling me allowing me to be a small part of your work of restoration, reconciliation, repair and healing to broken people just like myself. I thank you for preparing me for the days yet to come, IN Your Name I pray, AMEN!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why We Don't Need "Women's" Ministry

Once again one of my sisters has found something that strikes a cord within me, and it's about Women's Ministry. Read it carefully and consider the implications before you are tempted to dismiss it.

I say, AMEN!

Love ya, T.A.B.

Why We Don't Need "Women's" Ministry: Sarah Bessey: Please stop treating women's ministry like a safe club for the little ladies to play church.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Praying together on Monday 12/5/11

Abba, I bless you today just for being God. I thank you for all of your gifts and mercies you have shown me over my life. I thank you for being you son and child; for loving me when I didn’t know you or serving you. Thank you for forgiving my sin because of Christ’s sacrifice for me. Thank you for life and role you have giving me to play in it. Thank you for those who love me and yes, even those who don’t or won’t.

By your grace help me to love beyond my ability, to share with what I have, because you have provided me with everything I need. Help me to trust you as I open my heart and my hands to those who need what I have. May I not hold on to what I have as if this is all I have. You are
 my resource; not my job, the boss or the bank. Help me as I trust you in the face of impossible odds, obstacles, etc.; allow me to see your face rather than defeat, failure or unrest.

I am yours, by your choice, I didn’t choose you; you chose me and have promised you would never leave nor forsake me; this is your promise being fulfilled in my life. So Lord, do what you must, that I cannot; do what pleases you as you wish. Come now and quiet my troubled spirit and fear that attempt to overwhelm me. Hold my hand Abba, hold it tightly yet gently as I walk with you. Lead on to that place of promise, Oh that I knew where it was. What’s that you say Abba, “…follow me…” Yes, Lord, but where? No more questions, ‘follow me!” Thank you for your leading, direction and hope. May I take hold on Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

I thank you for being present in this moment, You’re here and now. Not in some far off moment in time. You’re here not only because I need you, but because you care for me and about me. THANK YOU! I don’t struggle alone, you are here; I am not alone, you are here; my future isn’t uncertain, you have control of every moment of my life; I am cared for by Him who loves the world and sent His own son for not only the world, but for me as a part of it. THANK YOU for loving me; not only as I am, but as you know, as I allow you to work your will in me, for your glory and purpose.

I don’t understand why you permit the things that hurt me, but knowing you’re here, now is comfort, strength and courage to take the next step, in your name! AMEN!!!