As we approach Christmas, how easily it is for us to become selfish and self-absorbed. Focusing on myself, forgive me. It is the season of giving, and you gave the ultimate gift, you gave your one and only Son for people just like me. Thank you!
I see the ads on TV and radio, which encourage us to spend money we don’t have, to buy giftS for people we don’t like, so that they might think well of me. Forgive my poor attitude. What would my life be like if you had not cared for me? May I convey your love, not as a ‘man’ or people pleaser, but from a pure heart.
Remember those I pray, whose gifts will be meager if at all. That home where there will be no feast or for that matter even a tree to decorate our home. May Your presence be there even if there are no gifts to present. May there be a sense of thanksgiving for knowing you and the life that lies before us. We have no idea what lies ahead of us, or where you will lead us to with the rest of our lives. May we embrace it by faith, even as we wonder, “why now and this way?
Jesus, this is not a complaint, nor a doubt of your goodness or mercy, you make all things possible, and we walk in the light of goodness. Thanks you for feeding us by the still waters; for restoring my soul even now. I ask Your blessing on those who are tried at this busy time of year; for those who are fighting for others who won’t fight for themselves.
Bless these who are helping to feed the hungry and finding ways to help provide even a single toy for that child who won’t otherwise get one. We see the need and want so much to help, to change the system that doesn’t care for the less fortunate. Thank you for leading us to where the greatest need is. Thank you for those who have and have not forgotten what it is to go without, because we where there once and not so long ago.
I pray a special blessing upon those who will lead congregations in worship this coming Sunday morning, some will close their doors, in deference to ‘times in which we live,” bless them as well. Help me not to judge them, but to love them as you have loved me.
Holy Son of God, I thank you for being willing to become one just like me. To know my world and my life; to live among a world filled with sin, but to walk among us by the power of your desire to become the sacrifice for my (our) sin, by the power of the Holy Spirit; to go to an undeserved death so that I (we) could be redeemed. “Rising you justified, freed me forever, and one day your coming back, oh glorious day!”
Abba, I thank you for these my brothers and sisters who have giving their lives for your service, bless them with gifts that enable them to accomplish Your purpose in their and their families lives. Surround them with your love so great, they can rest in the green pastures where you have led them.
In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!!!
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