Monday, December 12, 2011

Praying together on Monday 12/12/11

I thank you for your blessing of healing. Not just of my physical hurts but of those deep wounds which remain open. I confess I have not always allowed you to do the work within me you wanted to do. I've kept myself closed off in certain places, thus the wounding remains.

You are He, to whom I sing, “Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,…” and yet I hold on to those very things, places and circumstances that continue to cause me pain and struggle. Teach me Lord, how to let go, forgive and turn the struggle over to you. I confess there are persons and places I can’t fix, change or alter. So here in this moment, I turn to you not only for help, but to yield them to you. You were wounded for me and you offer healing, it may not be instantaneous but you are here with me, to walk out the victory you are willing to bring.

I thank you for the walls that seem impregnable, and impossible to breach, you spoke to Joshua and said to tell your people to march around in silence for a specific period of time, thereafter, then and only then were they to shout at the sound of the Rams horn! We know the result, may I trust you to remain silent long enough and know when to respond to your command.

I thank you for your ongoing work in my life, it seems as if there is so much more for you to do; but as I look over my shoulder at what lies behind me, I praise you for the ground I’ve already covered. I am not the same person I was just a few days ago, THNAK YOU! So take the lead Lord, I am right were you want me to be; I didn’t expect this, nor was I prepared for where you led me, And I thank you for where I am, because it is here that you know I’m needed and may be most useful. It is here that you are working all things for my good; no I don’t ‘feel it,’ and frankly if I could, I’d change your mind, but you just won’t do it. I’ve run, I’ve hidden; I’ve sulked and even complained; but you’ve been faithful to me, and I thank you.

In this season of unusual busyness, “May the peace of God, rest, rule and abide with you both now and forever, AMEN!!!  

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