today I honor you for those of us who have been faithful even in adversity. We followed you believing you might keep us from adversity (or so we were told, turned out to be a lie,) but when we were met with reality, we fought first with you and then when you wouldn't change, ourselves, believing that we had done something wrong. thank you for never letting go of me (us), for holding us secure in the power of your love and grace.
forgive me when I dwell upon the past, with my failures and wounds they bring. May I dear Jesus, look full in your wonderful face, ". . . to behold the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in the temple," Ps. 27:4. Jesus I need you a lot more than you need me, and yet you have called me by name, thank you for the reminders of your presence, you affection and care, thank you for loving me as I am, and not as you know I should be and thanking you that as you are making me what you want me to become. I'm yours, not by my choice, but because you called me out, THANK YOU! .
I thank you I don't face “. . . the terror by night or the arrow that flies by day” (Ps. 91:5) alone. In you I am secure and safe. Bless the effort that will be required for this week, grant me strength and patience that it will take to finish this race strong and with victory. I know I can't do this alone, (and don't want too,) and I know you don't expect me too.
Again I thank you for our families, for those who have wives and yes, husbands; thank you for bring us together, and for forging a real and lasting relationship even as we sometimes (okay, often) struggle. May I see again, what I saw at first, not only the beauty of the exterior, but the spiritual depth and strength that blesses our family. May I fight the false expectation or refusal to bend when necessary, (that's my own stubbornness at work.) May I learn the blessing of silence, trusting you to make an argument I can't, and to remember that I don't need to win every argument or battle. Grant me a teachable spirit, even as I am called to teach others, I need your help here.
Bless my enemies. Why they want to hate me and fight against me, I'm not sure; if there is need for me to repent and ask their and your forgiveness, grant me a heart to do so and quickly. There is enough for me to struggle with. Bless these my fellow laborers, give them success in the work you called them too, and may their reward be rich and blessed; give them a spirit which won't be broken or denied, and a passion for the souls of men and women.
Thank you for making me your own, I love you, not for what you do, but who you are! In your name I pray, AMEN!!!
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