Friends or Yokefellows
Several distinctions need to be made between friends ans what Chris (Rice) and I Spencer Perkins) call yokefollows.
- Friendships can happen with very little effort; yokefellows are intentional.
- Friendships are built for the benefit of the friends; yokefellows come together for the benefit of the kingdom.
- Friends are drawn together by their common interest; yokefellows are drawn together by a common mission.
- Friend like each other; yokefollows respect each other.
- Friendships are based on compatible personalities; the yokefellow bond is based on gifts that are needed to realize the goal.
- Friendships are fueled by emotion; yokefellows are linked by commitment.
- Friends saperate by a fight never speak to each other again; yokefellows will cheer each other on until their goal is reached.
You will forever be my FRIEND.
And I yours, T.A.B.
Delete"Ubuntu" now more than ever.