Today I honor you for those you have called to be leaders, teachers and yes, pastors; their wives, husbands and families. Thank you for them and for their challenges and struggles. These are often the means you use in making us into the image of yourself.
Thank you for for those who think they know what and who we are, and attempt to bring us in their realm of influence. Thank you for courage to stand faithful to your call in and on our lives as we move forward. I thank you for granting us favor where you know we need it, and providing resistance that cause us to trust you for the long haul.
I thank you for their faithfulness in the ‘little things’ and what some call insignificant places of service. For their willingness to serve and to be your servant. You understand our desire “to be,’ while not know that ‘I am’ just as you made me to be, . . . “ thank you than that I (we) are your joy and how pleased you are at the progress we’ve made, often going against the grain.
I thank you for their love of ‘little ones, and least of these,” not for selfish gain and glory, but because they are important to you. Thank for those who are willing to get on their knees both in prayer and in the dirt to plant seeds for a harvest they may never reap.
I thank you for wives and husbands and families that labor alongside these your children and servants, who suffer with and sometimes for them, being unsung, unnoticed and not appreciated. Bless them too today, to be what they must, so that we may continue be all we must for your purpose.
Thank you again for the struggle, for by it you use created the strength and muscle mass to be of great use for some future I don’t see or understand. Help me not to become jealous of the gifts you’ve given others, they have their purpose and so do we. Help us to focus on our mission, our assignment and fulfill it to your own glory.
I pray they will be celebrated this month, remembered by those they have served, and even if not, may they smile to themselves, knowing they have ‘ . . . wholly followed the Lord,” May their joy be in service and not in the ‘reward’ or lack of it during this life. I thank you for the promise of a reward yet to come.
As we begin our week, if our calendar is full or nearly empty; if no one calls or our voice-mailbox is overflowing, may we focus on you; give you our heart and to be guided by your Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, do your best work, here and throughout this week, both in me and in us, this I pray for these your children sons, daughters and servants. Thank you for making us your own.
Love ya Jesus! AMEN!!!
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