Today I call upon you not because of need or want, but with thanksgiving for all of your abundance gifts, blessings, burdens and struggles. All these are a part of the life you’ve blessed me to have.
I face this week with a calendar filled with responsibilities and challenges some of which will be unplanned and unexpected. May I be given your peace as I face them, and assurance of your presence and yes, a confidence that you will be present in every situation. I pray for those who have expectations of me, those who trust me to lead and others who want me to follow. Bless those with little or no expectations either of me or themselves. Send a spirit of challenge to those who have little or no expectation at all, who have given up wanting or trying, because of past failures or lack of success.
We live in a world of your creation, over which you have given us charge. How often have we simply sat around or ‘waiting’ for something to happen or change, when we were to be the change that was necessary. Forgive me for waiting for ‘someone’ to be or to do, when I could have been, or should the change you wanted in my (our) world. Come Holy Spirit, make me aware of your direction, I’ve been ‘busy’ following, when you wanted, or expected me to lead. Lord I struggle with my own worthiness and worth, I’ve been told to know my place, Thank you for leading me here, to this present place or situation. Thank you for being here with me, I’m not alone, forgotten or abandoned, and that . . .I can do all things through Christ who sterngths me.”
Thank you for those who struggle with me, who like myself, need you to refresh the desire to face the unknown but knowing you are the God of my and our future as well as my past. By trusting you my future is secure, my present in being designed and lived out by your grace. Thank you for being your’s. Thank you for being present, thank you for your strength to walk into the unknow because I know you’re there. I pray in Jesus Name, Amen!!!
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