Monday, November 12, 2012

Praying together - 11/12/2012

Abba, today we remember those who have served in our military, giving themselves in the service of our county and the cause of freedom around the world.  In saying ‘Thank You,’ we are trying to acknowledge the sacrifice they and others have made on our behalf. May we never forget.

But we thank you for those of your servants who like these in our military, serve in the Lord’s Army. That group of men and women in our cities, rural and foreign fields, where they are called to serve, often without notice by those of us who live in reasonable comfort here at home. Why even those of us who are suffering through the after-mass of ‘Sandy’ know that our present condition though difficult, will pass, and we hope soon, but would continue forever. These whose names we often don’t know sacrifice often without notice or praise, continue serving you with trusting hearts are in very real ‘foxholes and minefields.’ Grant that their hope and faith in you doesn't fail them in those moments when all seems lost or empty. Bless those whose whose support has taken a ‘nose dive’ through no fault or failure on their part. Thank you for the surprise you plan for them around the next bend in the road.

Thank you for your call on our lives, we didn't chose you, you chose us, Eph. 1:4), thank you for your Spirit alive and working in us for a far greater weight of glory then we can believe. Bless this week, with its open calendar, and questions as to what we are to do next. Strengthen our conviction of the call you gave us to be and then to do.

Bless our families who struggle with us, and serve without spoken complaint along side us; encourage their hearts with words of encouragement from unexpected sources. Grant us courage in the heat of battle, and often with those we serve along side with. Open my mind and heart to your Spirit’s leading in those private and personal places. May there be moments of reflection and comfort through your Word and Spirit, open me up to you in unexpected places and ways, I need you. Thank you for the unseen tears shed in the hidden places where no one sees or knows. Through them you bring me closer to yourself and for this I thank you.

I praise you now for victory I can’t create but fight for, a promise you've spoken long ago and you’re moving me into; for challenges that bring new strength and a victory that is certain, because you are in it and the source of it. Thank you now for your peace, which passes all understanding, from yourself and not what I have, resources I know about and people who could help if they wanted too. You Sovereign Lord are my and our victory, and in Your Name and power of your Spirit, we fight not to victory but from it! In Your Name we pray, AMEN!!!

Love ya, T.A.B.


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