Monday, July 25, 2011

Praying together on Monday

Father I thank you for each of these my brothers and sisters. You have bound us together in a bound of love, because you knew we'd need each other. Some of us are close to each other, and others are at a distance. For whatever reason, we often don't hear or see each other and we don't think of that person or part of the body, because of it. Help me to ask your blessing on them, because they too have a need or a care, that I will never know. 

Hear our hearts when we become lonely or in despair; when we feel forgotten or betrayed and abandoned. Here in this moment wrap me (and us) in a sense of your embrace which is warm and reassuring, comforting and real. I thank you for being the God who see's me. You see me, not the polite, carefully crafted face and front I put on to meet an often uncaring world, but accepting your embrace with your reassurance that I am cared for by the one who won't ever leave me or forsake me. 

I thank you for those who are close enough and care enough to love me. You've called us to the world, however narrow that world maybe; in a place often small or limited when no one expects success or greatness. We do what we must because that is your calling. We serve you, not people, success or prestige. We are humbled by the fact that you called us at all. May I always remember who I serve. 

Father, I thank you for struggle, for in it I find the strength the struggle on what's next. Exhausted sometimes in the fight, by your grace I battle back to what's next, believing that you are with me in the struggle. Thank you, yes thank you! I can only wish for the 'success' of others, the hope for a better day, but you are here in my now, this moment and you remind me, "I care for you!" Then why do I struggle? I thank you for the words of this very old John Newton hymn: 

How tedious and tasteless the hours
When Jesus I no longer see;
Sweet prospects, sweet birds and sweet flowers,
Have all lost their sweetness to me;
The midsummer sun shines but dim,
The fields strive in vain to look gay.
But when I am happy in Him,
December’s as pleasant as May.

Dear Lord, if indeed I am Thine,
If Thou art my sun and my song,
Say, why do I languish and pine?
And why are my winters so long?
O drive these dark clouds from the sky,
Thy soul cheering presence restore;
Or take me to Thee up on high,
Where winter and clouds are no more.
 I am happy in Him,
December’s as pleasant as May.

Jesus, you walked where I am, lived in my skin, where touched by the same emotions and care I have, you lived it and yet you when to Calvary for me, you rose that I might have victory, but not without struggle and never alone. I love you, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN. 

Love ya

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