Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Something for some of us to think about . . .

"The moment you think of the Kingdom as a place to achieve, to become valuable, to connect, or to be a major player, you will quickly discover that this was never what Jesus had in mind when He said, "Follow me."

Gordon Macdonald

Monday, October 29, 2012

Praying Together on Monday 10/29/2012


Today I call upon you not because of need or want, but with thanksgiving for all of your abundance gifts, blessings, burdens and  struggles. All these are a part of the life you’ve blessed me to have.

I face this week with a calendar filled with responsibilities and challenges some of which will be unplanned and unexpected. May I be given your peace as I face them, and assurance of your presence and yes, a confidence that you will be present in every situation. I pray for those who have expectations of me, those who trust me to lead and others who want me to follow. Bless those with little or no expectations either of me or themselves. Send a spirit of challenge to those who have little or no expectation at all, who have given up wanting or trying, because of past failures or lack of success.

We live in a world of your creation, over which you have given us charge. How often have we simply sat around or ‘waiting’ for something to happen or change, when we were to be the change that was necessary. Forgive me for waiting for ‘someone’ to be or to do, when I could have been, or should the change you wanted in my (our) world. Come Holy Spirit, make me aware of your direction, I’ve been ‘busy’ following, when you wanted, or expected me to lead. Lord I struggle with my own worthiness and worth, I’ve been told to know my place, Thank you for leading me here, to this present place or situation. Thank you for being here with me, I’m not alone, forgotten or abandoned, and that  . . .I can do all things through Christ who sterngths me.”

Thank you for those who struggle with me, who like myself, need you to refresh the desire to face the unknown but knowing you are the God of my and our future as well as my past. By trusting you my future is secure, my present in being designed and lived out by your grace. Thank you for being your’s.  Thank you for being present, thank you for your strength to walk into the unknow because I know you’re there. I pray in Jesus Name, Amen!!!



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Morning Devotional and response . . .

Nothing of the old Life!

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new —2 Corinthians 5:17

Our Lord never tolerates our prejudices— He is directly opposed to them and puts them to death. We tend to think that God has some special interest in our particular prejudices, and are very sure that He will never deal with us as He has to deal with others. We even say to ourselves, “God has to deal with other people in a very strict way, but of course He knows that my prejudices are all right.” But we must learn that God accepts nothing of the old life! Instead of being on the side of our prejudices, He is deliberately removing them from us. It is part of our moral education to see our prejudices put to death by His providence, and to watch how He does it. God pays no respect to anything we bring to Him. There is only one thing God wants of us, and that is our unconditional surrender.

When we are born again, the Holy Spirit begins to work His new creation in us, and there will come a time when there is nothing remaining of the old life. Our old gloomy outlook disappears, as does our old attitude toward things, and “all things are of God” (2 Corinthians 5:18). How are we going to get a life that has no lust, no self-interest, and is not sensitive to the ridicule of others? How will we have the type of love that “is kind . . . is not provoked, [and] thinks no evil”? (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). The only way is by allowing nothing of the old life to remain, and by having only simple, perfect trust in God— such a trust that we no longer want God’s blessings, but only want God Himself. Have we come to the point where God can withdraw His blessings from us without our trust in Him being affected? Once we truly see God at work, we will never be concerned again about the things that happen, because we are actually trusting in our Father in heaven, whom the world cannot see.

My Utmost For His Highest - 10/23/2012 - Oswald Chambers

My response:
Abba, I begin today in confession, I have several prejudices. There I’ve said it, and acknowledge it. I have surrendered much to you but I’ve held on to a few. Forgive me, even these must be given up if I’m to follow you. Some of these prejudices are found in the pain of my existence and treatment of others and yes, the advantage other have that I don’t, you don’t care where or what they are, you call me to total surrender. O that it would be as easy as saying the words, and walking away, jesus I need you here, come Lord jesus in the power of your Holy spirit. Lord these prejudices I can name, and see the the injustices; I feel the pain and want there to justice. Cleanse my heart oh God. and take this and these pains I want removed from my heart and life. Thank you for being God even here.

Lord, the old life with its prejudices must die, you have given me the ability to put them to death in love. Love empowered by your Holy spirit presence; work in me and on me, I want and need you here. How long must I remain captive to that which isn’t like you? Where I am jealous of another because you have gifted them as you have or blessed them to beo or obtain and I don’t or didn’t receive that from you. Envy doesn't stop at the door of this christian life. Forgive me my sin in prejudice against unions, and certain political parties and whites, the gifted, etc. I am a sinner, trying to hold on to my prejudices and justifying them because of the injustices of others. O forgive me Lord! I’ve hated and felt justified in my hatred, forgive me. You died for these as well as myself.

I have no better claim to holding on to my prejudice than any other sinner. come, O come Holy spirit and cleanse me of that I hold as a ‘right,’ because of the wound that is so old and deep.

I thank you for beginning your new creation in me. I want healing not only for me, but them as well. Their prejudices have hurt and wounded them as well, but they may not know it. Open our eyes together and help us to love each other, respect and honor each other, and build into the lives of each other. May we by you the Holy Spirit overcome the known and even unknown prejudices of our lives. Far too many of my brothers and sisters can’t see the prejudices we carry into daily life. Forgive us and help us, we need you so very much.

Help me, cleasne me and continue to remove the gloomy outlook, my old attitudes towards things and people, where lust is removed and my self interest is denied, and I’m no longer sensitive to the ridicule of others. Come lord Jesus, I need your Spirit in power present in every moment of my life. Abba, I trust you, I thank you for my daily bread and so much more. Thanks you for the influence you’ve given that I don’t know about. I thank you for this new life in Christ. AMEN!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Praying Together on Monday - 10/22/2012


Today I thank you for those of us who dare to acknowledge our need of you. We dare because we know there is no one and nowhere else to turn too. Thanks you for being near, for listening to our cry and not just listening, but answers as it please you and when as well.

Remember those whose hearts ache with a sense of loneliness and fear, we often feel abandoned and alone because we believe in you.. We’re told we’re foolish because we trust in Him who is and was and always will be faithful to those who trust Him.

I thank you for what I have in this life, but I’m not going to place my trust in ‘things and stuff.’ What I need more than ever is more of you and I’ll only find you if I seek you. thanks for not being far away or “ . . . from a distance. . .” you are watching, no, you promised you’rd be near, and as I quiet my heart and mind, I know you’re near. Thanks!

So bless me today to be a blessing to others, yes even those who seem to know how to ‘press my buttons, or ‘get my goat.’ Come Holy spirit, renew my mind, change my thinking, my senses and ‘feelings.’ Help me to move beyond what I ‘feel’ and sense, but into a place when your Spirit leads even someone like me.

I love you Lord, but you ‘started it,” you showed your love for me, long before I called on your name. I thank you for your refreshing today.

In your Name I pray, AMEN!

Love ya, T.A.B.


A prayer for leaders 10/22/2012


Today I honor you for those you have called to be leaders, teachers and yes, pastors; their wives, husbands and families. Thank you for them and for their challenges and struggles. These are often the means you use in making us into the image of yourself.

Thank you for for those who think they know what and who we are, and attempt to bring us in their realm of influence. Thank you for courage to stand faithful to your call in and on our lives as we move forward. I thank you for granting us favor where you know we need it, and providing resistance that cause us to trust you for the long haul.

I thank you for their faithfulness in the ‘little things’ and what some call insignificant places of service. For their willingness to serve and to be your servant. You understand our desire “to be,’ while not know that ‘I am’ just as you made me to be, . . . “ thank you than that I (we) are your joy and how pleased you are at the progress we’ve made, often going against the grain.

I thank you for their love of ‘little ones, and least of these,” not for selfish gain and glory, but because they are important to you. Thank for those who are willing to get on their knees both in prayer and in the dirt to plant seeds for a harvest they may never reap.

I thank you for wives and husbands and families that labor alongside these your children and servants, who suffer with and sometimes for them, being unsung, unnoticed and not appreciated. Bless them too today, to be what they must, so that we may continue be all we must for your purpose.

Thank you again for the struggle, for by it you use created the strength and muscle mass to be of great use for some future I don’t see or understand. Help me not to become jealous of the gifts you’ve given others, they have their purpose and so do we. Help us to focus on our mission, our assignment and fulfill it to your own glory.

I pray they will be celebrated this month, remembered by those they have served, and even if not, may they smile to themselves, knowing they have ‘ . . . wholly followed the Lord,” May their joy be in service and not in the ‘reward’ or lack of it during this life. I thank you for the promise of a reward yet to come.

As we begin our week, if our calendar is full or nearly empty; if no one calls or our voice-mailbox is overflowing, may we focus on you; give you our heart and to be guided by your Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, do your best work, here and throughout this week, both in me and in us, this I pray for these your children sons, daughters and servants. Thank you for making us your own.

Love ya Jesus! AMEN!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Praying together on Monday 10/15/2012

Abba, Today I thank you for your love for us, as imperfect as we are. You have have shown your love for us, by allowing us to make major and foolish mistakes, error and yes, even sin but choosing not to destroy us and starting over; but by creating a means of salvation and restoration to yourself by Christ Jesus. THANK YOU!

I thank you for your compassionate understanding and grace for us, may I by the power of the Holy Spirit live out this same grace to those around me. As we begin our week, I pray for your guidance and direction, you’re leading not only the big decisions but the details of our daily lives as well. It is often here that I forget to consult you and ask for your direction.

Grant me a heart of compassion not only for those ‘overseas,’ but those who are near to me as well, they too are hurting and often I don’t know or care because I’ve been too busy caring about myself and my own interest than listening to your Spirit. Forgive me in my ‘rushing around,’ being ‘busy,’ doing, and being.

Thank you for your compassionate heart for those just like me, we’ve walked the streets of our cities, towns and villages, without looking at or seeing each other; “ . . .I don’t have time . . .” what are they too me? If you, as God could and did care for me, and us, what’s are your expectations for us? Compassion and caring does not mean being able to writing a check or giving away our ‘old clothes, etc., When do I start caring for those who are not only like me, but those who are not? Here Lord, (for that is what you are,) I’m called to be ‘you’ to the world, and not just my world, and those around me, but to the wider world. Jesus, I need you so very much, I don’t always understand why you deal with me as you do, but here we are, just you and me, Come Holy Spirit and make sense of this life you’ve given, and work in me as you will.

Bless these my brothers and sisters who struggle with questions for which they have no answers; situations they can’t fix or correct; people who drive them to distraction and cause us pain. The little annoyances that drive me crazy. Give me (us) your Spirit to deal with everyday life, not just the supernatural and miraculous. It is here I need you the most.

I thank you for those who read this prayer, may it become their own, I need you as much as any other. This day and week will not be anything like what it could be without you. Walk with me, “ . . . Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee . . . “ In the Strong Name of Jesus I pray, AMEN!!!

Love ya,


Monday, October 8, 2012

Praying Together On Monday October 8, 2012

Abba, today I begin with a thank you for your call to me, “Come to me . . .” Matthew 11:28. This is a call not to do but to be. Your call as if there were no one else but to me, “Come to me . . . “

Abba, forgive my selfish needs, consuming desires and all too often wanton driving passions to be, which have nothing to do with your call, “Come to me . . .” I thank you this call is not as if I am some animal or pet , but as your own child, one you gave birth to and have a desire and purpose for. You call because you wish to, there is something you both see and know that you want not only for me to do, but to be and become. May I trust you in this and every moment that follows to reach out to you as you call and “Lord here am I send me . . .”

Perhaps you may want me to respond by simply “stand still and see . . .” oh may I have you grace to do nothing more. I am so busy trying to ‘get something done,” I forget, I need to hear what it is you want before I go rushing off to get ‘it” done. Jesus I live in a culture not know for standing, let alone standing still for very long, so I confess a great need to not only believe you but learning how to trust you and that even as it seems nothing is happening, you are on the move. THANK YOU!

I confess my arrogance, anger, frustration and regret that I haven’t accomplished what I wanted to do or get done for you and the Kingdom. Never thinking that might not have been your plan or purpose at all or ever. Forgive me for thinking less of myself then I should all the while wish I were more than I should as well. Pretty confused aren't I Jesus, well, Lord as we say, “that’s how I roll . . .” Here Lord, I present what I am and have to you, for the purpose I don’t understand. I can’t figure or ‘sort out’ my own life to say nothing of your great and master plan for time, ow foolish I’ve been, but thank you for loving me through the dark and lonely times of my (really our) life together.

Come Lord Jesus, thank you for your call. Slow me do Jesus, I’m so busy trying to be and do I’ve left you not only standing at the ‘bus stop,’ but completely out of my plans and life. Without meaning to I’ve accused you of forgetting me and my need(s), of overlooking where I serve, or even remembering me, Oh how foolish I've been, and all the while you have been saying, “Come to me . . .”

So here I am Lord God and Abba, crying at your feet, I’m tired, of trying to this alone, and frustrated with my own and the failures of others so much like me, here I may I respond to you clear voice today, and say, “I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among of people of unclean lips, . . .” Thank you for cleansing and empowering call, “ . . . who can I send, and who will go for us . . . “ Lord, here am I send me! But first I must listen for your voice saying, “Come to me . . .” AMEN!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's Not Just You . . .

    Beating the Day After Blues

    by William Vanderbloemen
    After 15 years in ministry, and thousands of turns stepping up to preach, I know the dirty little secret preachers carry:
    Sunday night is often a major emotional bummer. Monday is often worse.
    For a long time, I thought it was just me. I would find myself emotionally down on Sunday night. Even more listless on Mondays. What was wrong? Maybe I was moody. Maybe I expected too much from Sundays. It doesn’t make sense. Why would the hours following our biggest, most fun day of work be a bummer?
    Then a friend of mine shared a study he had found on public speakers, particularly those who were motivational speakers. The study theorized that people who spend their time getting revved up for a public talk spent so much energy on stage that afterward there was almost always a time of emotional letdown. Turns out, a whole lot of other studies have the same conclusion.
    I don’t know whether the studies are valid, but I know that the theory sure seems to resonate. Just hearing about it freed me up. I wasn’t weird or messed up. I was just experiencing what many other preachers do:
    The Post Preaching Blues.
    Now that I spend all my time doing executive search helping churches with staffing, I don’t preach as much (except for clients), and I don’t have those post Sunday blues. But I do set aside more time than normal to pray for and reach out to my friends and clients who spent their day serving a local church.
    I’ve also spent a good bit of time studying what can be done to help preachers and church workers get through the Post Sunday Blues. Over the next several Mondays, I will be sharing key learnings I’ve found that seem to work well.
    This week's key: Take a deep breath, and realize you might be down because you did a great job.
    If you’re feeling down on Sunday night or Monday, it is likely that you’re down because you were really, really up on Sunday morning. In other words, you left it all on the stage, and you did your job!
    When friends hit a doldrum in preaching and ask me for advice, I often point them to Wesley’s famous prayer before preaching, “Lord, set me afire, and let the people watch me burn.” I tell them to preach their next sermon as if it were their last. Problem is, if you really do leave it all on the stage, there’s nothing left to take home.
    Did you know that Billy Graham used to lose tens of pounds every time he went out on the road for crusades? He writes about the physical toll of preaching in his autobiography, Just As I Am.
    Next time you’re feeling down after services, realize it may just be a result of doing a really great job, and take it easy on yourself.

"Of all the forces that make for a better world, none is so powerful as hope.

With hope, one can think, one can work, one can dream.

If you have hope, you have everything."
Author Unknown.

Love ya, T.A.B.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Abba, I thank you for your protection and care, for the blessing of travel and fellowship with your children. I thank you for new friendships and the blessings of being in the presence of those I known only from as distance. Thank you for your watchfulness and care when situations could have been, well THANK YOU!!!!

I pray this day for those who have sacrificed so much that your work and kingdom may advance. For those who labor be aren't recognized  honored or appreciated  Those who labor among the poor, under served, broken and 'lest of these.' For pastors and ministry leaders and fellow servants, whose give there all and no one seems to notice. Grant them a moment and glimpse of the 'mountain top' and view of your glorious coming victory. Me we then come down from the mountain into the valley and by the power of your own Holy spirit, set the 'demon possessed' free. 

Bless them with endurance, the ability to run for the 'long-haul,; the grace not to quit before the battle or the race is won. Teach us to see the 'mile' markers' along the way, and to remember we don't run alone. We may not have many to encourage or say, "keep going," but I thank you for the still quiet voice which says, " . . . low I am with you alway, even to the end . . . " 

Grant a spirit of strength and fortitude for this day, and this week, for what lies ahead. Some of us, need something a little different form others, and my we then who call upon your name find comfort in knowing, "I'm here," No, lighting, no earthquake  or mighty windstorm  just you quiet voice of reassurance, that says, "my son, my daughter  my beloved, I know . . . " In this moment I may not choose to answer that most heartfelt request, but I know!" Come Holy Spirit, Come! I thank you for you will do in and for the life and then the ministry you've given, its yours. Do your best work in and around me for your own glory. 

I bless you, and Thank you, in the Mighty Name of Jesus,AMEN!!!

I love you for whjo you are, ant because of what you do, have done and even even for what you will be in my (our) situation. You are God, I am your beloved
