Monday, February 27, 2012

Praying together on Monday - 2/27/2012


I honor you today for your love for these my brothers and sisters in Christ. For each of these who have meant a great deal to me, many of them don't have any idea how much they mean to you and to me as well. We all struggle, we are not without fault and my failures are many, yet you make it clear to me, "I love you," and you just won't leave me alone, THANK YOU!.

May this week prove to be a seminal week for them, where the breakthrough they seek catch up with what they have needed for some time. That which we long for and have trusted you for, begin to break forth. As we quiet our hearts, and listen for you your voice may we hear your song of love over us. Help me to remember, it's not what I am  nor what I do that's important to you, but who I am and who you are making me into for your purpose. 

Jesus, I'm just a man and there are moments when the journey seems so lonely, and I feel abandoned, those moments when no one seems to have any need of me and where I'm called to serve; where resources are low and few; for someone to walk and labor with me; and where your Spirit calls for me to go just one more mile, (or kilometer.) In those moments when I wonder, ". . . what's the point?" When I am preparing to speak and all I have to show for what I've done is sweat, and a blank piece of paper waiting for a Word to share with your people. 

For those of us in 'secular' employment and don't feel called to ministry, I pray that you will allow them to see their value and blessing that they are, where they are. May we come to believe that even we have value in your Kingdom. As I pray for these today, I am remembering that my piece of toast won't be quite the same if it were not for the raisin and bits of cinnamon with in it, to some I may be nothing more than a died raisin that used to be a plump grace, but to those who need nourishment, I am not just that, but something refreshing as well. That is your work in me. May i learn to remember and enjoy who you have made me and you continue to make me for the purpose you will and want. 

I love you Abba, my Savior, God, King yes, friend.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How much does God love you?

"And yet this love of God to his Son must serve, O my soul, as the glass in which you are to learn how Jesus loves you. As one of His redeemed ones, you are His delight, and all His desire is to you, with the longing of a love that is stronger than death and that many waters cannot quench. His heart yearns after you, seeking your fellowship and your love. Were it needed, he could die for you again to possess you . As the Father loved the Son and could not live without Him-could not be God the blessed without Him-so Jesus loves you. His life is bound up in yours; you are to Him inexpressibly more indispensable and precious than you ever can know. You are one with Himself. "As the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you." What a love!

From: Abide in Christ, by Andrew Murray

Monday, February 20, 2012

Just Thinking . . .

(2 Timothy 2:3) "The first requirement of the worker is discipline voluntarily entered into."
"Discipline is the one thing the modern Christian knows nothing of, we won/'t stand discipline nowadays."

(2 timothy 2:4; Numbers 6:2-3) "If you want to remain a full-orbed grape you must keep out of God's hands for He will crush you, wine cannot be made any other way."
Approved unto God: Oswald Chambers

Praying together on Monday - 2/20/2012


I thank you for my brothers and sisters that share with me a calling from You to leadership. However, as you know, leading is not as glamorous as many people tend to think, or as fulfilling as we wish it were at times. Please bless my fellow leaders, especially those serving in places where few (if any) people know their name, where resources are limited, and where they are facing the need to make difficult decisions they really wish they could avoid altogether. Bless them with someone that will freely come near and stand with them in person and prayer. As you did with Moses, please bless them with an ‘Aaron and Hur’ that will supportively hold up their arms in battle.

Whether they are married with children or single, remember their loved ones. As you know, spouses, children, and/or family members often struggle along with leaders in the background as the unnoticed and unsung heroes of their lives. On that note, bless people that are leading churches and ministries, and grant them a greater willingness to work together for the purpose to which you have called all of us.

I pray that you give all leaders a day or two of rest and refreshment so they will have renewed strength to stand, lead, create, and press forward again. For those who are tired but can’t or won’t mention it to anyone, and would rather do something—anything!—else right now, I pray that they will keep courage! May they turn to you, allow you to guide them, and not listen to that tempting voice that says, “RUN!” May these words of an old song ring true within them: ‘Take courage my soul and let us journey on, though the night is dark and I am far from home; praise be to God the morning light appears! (Chorus) The storm is passing over (Lord), the storm is passing over, the storm is passing over, Hallelujah!’

May the victory that You have promised come, even before we believe it will come. May we remember that the battles we face are yours, the people we are leading are yours, and the victory is yours, THANK YOU!

In the strong name of Jesus! Amen!

Love Ya,


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just Thinking

Just thinking: It's not how many friends that you have that matters, but how you care for them. For all of you who I've had the privilege of being a friend, 'THANK YOU' for your love, understanding and prayers for Barbara and I. For those of you who have kept your distance, you too are loved, you can't stop me from loving you.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Why are older pastors reluctant to retire or take a sabbatical?

 As a retired senior pastor, I recently wondered why it seems so few of the ministers I know ever retire or were given a sabbatical.

Let’s see: (in no particular order)
1. “The Bible does not teach retirement…”
2.  “I’ve still got a lot left in me…”
3.  “Sabbatic… what’s that?”
4. No one I know has ever had one.

Could the underlying reasons be:
 No retirement plan
 Lack of ministry opportunities after ‘retirement”
 The sense of uselessness (or purpose)
 Lack of Control
My church can’t afford one or to pay me while I’m not there working

Praying Together on Monday - 2/13/2012


I thank you today for being your valentine, the love of your life; the for whom Jesus gave His life. Cards from loved one mean so much, and yet they don't compare with the gift of your very life for me. I look at myself now in a new way, You're helping me to understand just how much you love me, THANK YOU! 

You created roses and flowers of all kind so that I might understand how much you love us. Their beauty in a vase or along a road side, why even a crack in the pavement are beautiful to behold. If I could gather all of them in one basket and present it to you, they would never be enough to tell you how much I love you for your great grace to someone as flawed and broken as I. You love me through the dark days of loneliness and sadness; while I mourn the illness and death of loved one, you are there to stand with me and whisper, "I love you both." You held me close and dried my tears, when those who cared were gone. When I was sick, you comforted me and gave me hope for living; while serving somewhere that seemed so much of a struggle I wondered why you called me; when resources ran low, someone offered a 'little' help or just a word and because of it, Ii stood another day, Thank you! Your heart bleeds for us as we struggle or walk alone, thanks for being there. 

I pray for these and others who only hope is in yourself. Forgive us for taking you for granted and forgive us for our anger; for your help with those things and people I can't fix, Grant me comfort in those broken relationships and those who keep me at a distance. You know me, my heart. I want too love as you do, but some make it hard, love them through others because we both need it so much. 

Abba, if my heart breaks at times, I can't begin to know how much does yours. You are God and you love us who don't deserve it, we've sinned against you so greatly, and yet you stand ready to forgive, heal us and being us to a place you want for us.  


Love ya,

Monday, February 6, 2012

Praying together on Monday 2/6/12


Today I ask your blessing on these your children and my brothers and sisters. You know them, and feel their need. You understand and walk with them in their struggles, suffering and pain. Thank you for being present, even when we 'feel' you near. Thanks for being there. 

I pray today for not a 'blessing' because you are providing for our need(s) and making all of life possible. But remember the scars and wounds which we haven't acknowledged to anyone and for which I can't (or won't) give voice too, for fear of being misunderstand or rejected. I thank you for your acceptance and deep abiding love; a love that causes me confess my need of you and ask for your forgiveness and grace to continue along the journey.I am but a child, but I'm yours, thank you for loving us.

For those of us who is surrounded by many, and yet feeling deeply alone; that one who many see and yet they are close to but a very few; for those who labor among the poor, sick and needy with but little if any support; may they be reminded, you are the the good shepherd; the great shepherd and yes, the chief shepherd, and our reward isn't here and now. Nor will it or can it be judged by size or numbers and 'success.' but by you and you alone. For those who the world judge as successful, and find it empty and unfulfilling, give them courage to face their Red Sea, Jordan, and those who follow them wanting what 'they' have, because they know, without you most of life is 'vanity and vexation of spirit." 

For those who are sick, send healing; tired, refreshing; struggle, a strong arm to lean on; have a major decision, wisdom; in the lost of a loved one or someone dear, comfort.

Bless I pray this week that you have given, I need you now more than ever, not because I expect anything that you can't control, but just because not only do I need you, but I want you with me. This I pray in and for Your sake, AMEN!!!

Love ya,