Saturday, April 23, 2011

Praying for those who serve

Father today I’m praying for pastors and leaders of rural and inner-city ministries.

You know us, you love us, those who feel forgotten and abandoned, those who labor where resources are few or limited. Where volunteers are few or seldom come to their aid. For these who are bi-vocational and can’t get to that conference that they hope could transform their ministry.

For those who sigh and long to do great things, that in the back of our minds don’t think can happen. They long to see you move among us, as you did and in those ‘out-of –the way’ places, as in the Book of Acts and history.

Comfort their hearts, help them to be aware, you see them, you care about them, and you are present with them. You’re here now in this moment, you hold them in hollow of you hand, and no one can rip them out of it.

Forgive our anger, and frustration because of what they don’t and sometimes, can’t have. May they sense you’re beating and loving heart for them. As they walk or drive along the road, on their way to a job to supplement their income (if any); as they turn that corner, drive over that next hill, may they sense your presence in that moment, just that moment, speak that gentle word, like the child’s game, ‘I see you!’ I see your struggle, you pain, your suffering; I see you heart’s desire, and long to see a community and children changes for the glory of Lord, and not some selfish desire and design. 

Lord, our name may never appear on the side of some building, the honors of man may evade us; we may not even be remembered when we’re gone, but you know us. You promised to reward us, Let that be enough to keep us focused on what you called us to do. This is after all your work, these are your sheep, and this is your pasture. You know where you called them to serve, you know ‘the few sheep,’ they have been given; you know the resource(s) they have at hand, may they know you love them and are thankful for them, and rejoice over them.

Grant these brothers and sisters rest in yourself, a confidence that is not born of self or ability, but of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. They are yours, they are your gift to the body of Christ, give them courage to face what comes next and what won’t. May they labor for the “Well done, good and faithful servant,’ you promise that will someday given soon.

This I pray, in the strong Name of Jesus, our servant Lord, Amen.

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