Monday, February 20, 2012

Praying together on Monday - 2/20/2012


I thank you for my brothers and sisters that share with me a calling from You to leadership. However, as you know, leading is not as glamorous as many people tend to think, or as fulfilling as we wish it were at times. Please bless my fellow leaders, especially those serving in places where few (if any) people know their name, where resources are limited, and where they are facing the need to make difficult decisions they really wish they could avoid altogether. Bless them with someone that will freely come near and stand with them in person and prayer. As you did with Moses, please bless them with an ‘Aaron and Hur’ that will supportively hold up their arms in battle.

Whether they are married with children or single, remember their loved ones. As you know, spouses, children, and/or family members often struggle along with leaders in the background as the unnoticed and unsung heroes of their lives. On that note, bless people that are leading churches and ministries, and grant them a greater willingness to work together for the purpose to which you have called all of us.

I pray that you give all leaders a day or two of rest and refreshment so they will have renewed strength to stand, lead, create, and press forward again. For those who are tired but can’t or won’t mention it to anyone, and would rather do something—anything!—else right now, I pray that they will keep courage! May they turn to you, allow you to guide them, and not listen to that tempting voice that says, “RUN!” May these words of an old song ring true within them: ‘Take courage my soul and let us journey on, though the night is dark and I am far from home; praise be to God the morning light appears! (Chorus) The storm is passing over (Lord), the storm is passing over, the storm is passing over, Hallelujah!’

May the victory that You have promised come, even before we believe it will come. May we remember that the battles we face are yours, the people we are leading are yours, and the victory is yours, THANK YOU!

In the strong name of Jesus! Amen!

Love Ya,


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