Monday, June 27, 2011

Love one another . . .

Lord you are working on me, and I thank you for it. It doesn’t feel like you hand of rebuke, yet I sense you at work.

I thank you for having your hands are in the dough of my life. You’re kneading and working out the ‘leaven’ in places I didn’t know were there. You cover me with a damp towel of tears. Your tears for me, your care for me, your correct for and within me; as often as you know I need it. No one knows the places of deep wounds you’re healing; those places that seems as if they are bottomless with pain. Yet here you are at work. Why in my silly sinful behavior you remind me you love and forgiven and sent your healing, if I will only allow you to do your best work in me.

Help me to love those who don’t seem to have any interest in loving me and others. May their selfishness be washed away in the flood of your love. Many have built ‘levee’s’ around themselves to keep your love out; and are comfortable keeping everyone (or most) away and at a distance. Yet your loving voice says again, I love you. Help them to hear it, even when it comes from one like me.

I thank you for your  embrace of grace, which knows no bounds. You’re here for me, help me to present (here) for those who like myself, need you because others won’t, or don’t know how too. You said, “. . . love one another, as I have loved you . . .” may I live this out, not in some future time, but today, this week to someone who needs it, even when I don’t know it is.

This I ask in strong Name of Jesus, Amen.

Love ya, T

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