Monday, November 21, 2011

Praying together on Monday 11/21/11

Abba, I thank you today for these your children, how often we forget we belong to you and to each other, we are related and I don't want to get away from this relationship, both to you and to them. 

I thank you for the struggle, for by it I'm made strong and maybe even more useful. I thank you for questions to which I have no answers, but you do; some will be answered now, and some perhaps in eternity. For those you remain silent upon, May I embrace your love for me and my situation. For those who are ill on this day, grant them healing and strength to fight on. You are our healing, and should you choose to withhold it, may we by grace to endure it until or even if you chose to do nothing. Lord, I don't much care for those times and places where I don't or won't get the response I'd like, but you are are God, help me walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and let me fear no evil, because YOU are with me... 

I thank you for being enough, for this moment and time and yes, for tomorrow. Remind me, I'm not alone here. speak to my heart, comfort my mind and give me courage for my journey. Thank you for being here, closer than my next breath. Teach me how to comfort those just like me. And when I don't get the answer I want so very much; when injustice seems to reign supreme and the heathen rages, give me courage and comfort that you are in charge and you will deal with this in your own time. Lord, I'm angry, so help me deal with my feels and wanting to take action, yes, even that action that may not... I thank you for the moment that day of your vindication and righteousness. 

Thank you for your Word to me today, "...Wait upon the Lord, and He will renew your strength, you shall mound up on wings like eagles, you will run and not be weary, you will walk and not faint..." THANKS!!! You know how much I need to hear that again. 

Forgive the feeling of failure and emptiness, May I see in your face your love for me again, forgive me for looking away from you to those like me, in there faces I see nothing more that I have as well, You offer me hope, a promise and a blessing, THANKS!!! 

I Love you Abba, I'm yours by your chose, you selected me, I am you'rs, thanks for wanting me, caring for me and telling me, "I love you!" I wish others did, but even when they do, compared to you, they don't begin to demonstrate what love is. Thanks for making me your own. 

Love ya,-- 

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