Monday, November 28, 2011

Praying together on Monday 11/28/11

Abba, I thank you for your protection as we travelled this weekend. I thank you for the chance to visit with family and friends, for renewing old friendships. Thank you for a moment in time, where we remembered your goodness and mercies.

As we approach a new week, I ask for your help to focus on what is important and not just the urgent.  How easy is it to get busy and overlook my time with you and the study of your Word. My mind can become cluttered with so much junk, garbage, etc., that I can’t see or hear your voice. You come so often gently and quietly that I don’t (or can’t) hear you, forgive me there.

As we enter the Advent session of the year, the rush and schedule can become overwhelming, may I not forget, ‘Jesus is the reason for the Season.’ Lord, it’s “cyber-Monday,” may I ask myself the question, “so what?” The world is telling me the rush is on, may I ask, “too where and why?” May I seek you as the shepherds and ultimately “the wise men” did; may I make room for you in my schedule and a place within heart to speak to me; long before I must speak to your people.

Jesus, after your birth you grew, I ask that I may grow as well. “…in favor with God and man…” Man, sadly will be harder to please then yourself, I’m sure.  May I seek to please you and not perform for the world to watch, no matter how well the work is being done.  As I labor to construct the best sermon, teaching and seek the illustration that makes the right point and provides impact to my thoughts, may they become you thoughts, your life giving truth which brings hope to those most in need of it.  

Forgive me for trying to do too much and for taking too much on. My I learn balance. I thank you for passion, but may it be tempered with grace and patience. You’re the leader, others are watching and I am wondering, “…what would you have me do now? They are watching???” I thank you for a peace in the middle of my storm; for a confidence that comes not from myself and my plans, or for that matter my preparation, but from having spent time alone with you and following your direction.

So here I am Abba, just your kid, waiting (not always calmly) for your next move; Come Holy Spirit, do your best work, in Jesus name, I thank you, AMEN!!!

Love ya, 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pastors and leaders recommended reading:

Broken Windows of the Soul, by Dr.'s Arnold R. Fleagle, & Donald A. Lichi. Is a book worth your time. 

Thanks Bishop Dr. Joey Johnson for giving me a copy.

Love ya, 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

As we prepare for Thanksgiving

As a nation we prepare for Thanksgiving by spending a large about of time getting our home and the food for the dinner. I want to take a moment to say first I thank God for you.

I thank God for my family, each of you is special to me and I love you very much. Thanks for all of your caring through the years.

I thank God for this county into which I was born; for the men and women of our armed forces, who risk their lives to preserve our freedom around the world. It is often a thankless job.

For you my brothers ans sisters in Christ; You are very important to me, you are a part of my life, I'd rather not consider what my life would be without you as a part of it. We have shared a great deal together and you are a blessing to me. 

Finally, for a loving God, who sent His one and only Son, that I (we) might have life and that more abundantly. 
I love you all. Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Praying together on Monday 11/21/11

Abba, I thank you today for these your children, how often we forget we belong to you and to each other, we are related and I don't want to get away from this relationship, both to you and to them. 

I thank you for the struggle, for by it I'm made strong and maybe even more useful. I thank you for questions to which I have no answers, but you do; some will be answered now, and some perhaps in eternity. For those you remain silent upon, May I embrace your love for me and my situation. For those who are ill on this day, grant them healing and strength to fight on. You are our healing, and should you choose to withhold it, may we by grace to endure it until or even if you chose to do nothing. Lord, I don't much care for those times and places where I don't or won't get the response I'd like, but you are are God, help me walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and let me fear no evil, because YOU are with me... 

I thank you for being enough, for this moment and time and yes, for tomorrow. Remind me, I'm not alone here. speak to my heart, comfort my mind and give me courage for my journey. Thank you for being here, closer than my next breath. Teach me how to comfort those just like me. And when I don't get the answer I want so very much; when injustice seems to reign supreme and the heathen rages, give me courage and comfort that you are in charge and you will deal with this in your own time. Lord, I'm angry, so help me deal with my feels and wanting to take action, yes, even that action that may not... I thank you for the moment that day of your vindication and righteousness. 

Thank you for your Word to me today, "...Wait upon the Lord, and He will renew your strength, you shall mound up on wings like eagles, you will run and not be weary, you will walk and not faint..." THANKS!!! You know how much I need to hear that again. 

Forgive the feeling of failure and emptiness, May I see in your face your love for me again, forgive me for looking away from you to those like me, in there faces I see nothing more that I have as well, You offer me hope, a promise and a blessing, THANKS!!! 

I Love you Abba, I'm yours by your chose, you selected me, I am you'rs, thanks for wanting me, caring for me and telling me, "I love you!" I wish others did, but even when they do, compared to you, they don't begin to demonstrate what love is. Thanks for making me your own. 

Love ya,-- 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A prayer at noonday...

Wednesday November 16, 2011
Abba, I thank you for your love for me, even in the moments when I feel I’ve let you down by my behavior, you assure me of you constant love and willingness to forgive. So here I am, confessing my sin, not because of guilt, but because of your love. I’m not proud of myself I need you more now than ever.

I thank you for walking with me, past those things which life offers that seek to bring me in bondage.

Today I pray for those who like me struggle, and nobody but they are aware of. It is a private struggle, our society says, “there’s nothing wrong with that..,”( whatever ‘that’ is,) but at our core we know better. Your Word has given us light but we’re not listening or looking for the warnings which tell is we’re headed in a wrong direction, come Holy Spirit! Here I am Jesus, not attempting to conceal or hide from you, but trusting you not only for forgiveness, but grace to fight by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for your faithful servants, faithful when the funds and workers are few; when others ‘suggest’ we might want to reconsider the work we’re doing or ‘joining forces’ with a stronger group or organization; but we can’t. It’s not stubbornness, but a real sense we are called to serve here, this place and these people. Why even some of those we serve, wonder “why are you still here and doing this?”

I pray for the weary, may you strengthen their resolve to continue the fight. Not matter which ‘round” this is, the host of heaven look on, believing what they did in preparing us for this day, won’t be lost. You have promised us VICTORY! You have the ability to do what you have spoken, I (we) are the instruments you’re using to get it done. Forgive my faltering steps, my less than stellar belief in a moment of doubt. I thought it was all on me.

I thank you for being present, even when I ‘feel or sense” nothing. I thank you for comfort, just enough to believe you for the next step. I am not alone! I have not run out of resources, whatever I have you have provided, and if you must you will expand upon it, create a harvest from it or work with my faith for the results you want.

I thank you for a faith enough to believe you with what I have in hand at the present. I praise you for what is coming, it may be just enough to keep me moving or enough to trust you in the moment. You are an AWSOME God in my present, yes even NOW!

In Jesus matchless name, AMEN!!!!!!!!!  

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Being Accepted

All of us can tell whether another person is going to accept us. We can almost feel it. You must have some inkling if you can see me whether or not I would listen, whether I would care. What I wish is that I could radiate the love of Jesus, that you would feel that I want to be like Him.

The leper knew that if he went to Jesus he would accept him.

Some people teach that a precondition to becoming a Christian is that you have to do this or that, and only then will Jesus accept you. What we see here is that Jesus accepted the leper just as he was, and lo and behold, the leper believed Jesus could heal him, and Jesus did. Jesus is still the same today. He accepts you as you are.

In fact, we are told in John 8:3-11 that Pharisees, who were a self-righteous, legalistic group of people, brought a woman caught in adultery and said to Jesus, “In the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” Jesus bent down and started to write in the ground with His finger. Then He said to these people, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” Hearing that, they all left. Then Jesus said to the woman, “Where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

The woman said, “No one, sir/”

The Jesus declared, “Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.”

What did He do? He accepted her. That is His way. Jesus displays such tenderness. I could give one example after another to assure you that whatever may be in your past, whatever it is that you’ve done, this Jesus will accept you.
Excerpted from All’s Well That Ends Well (Authentic Media, 2005) R. T. Kendall

My Response:
Abba, I thank you for knowing I am accepted by you. I confess for a very long time I have struggled with being accepted by others. You open your arms and heart and say to me, “Come unto me; I love you and accept you.” THANK YOU! The leper was an outcast of the community, yet this one summons the courage to draw near to Jesus, and begs for acceptance, what is amazing is that you did.

All of my life you’ve known me, without pretense, or any false front, you see me and know me, and as I come with my needs, you’ve never pushed me away. Yes, I can sense the walls that have been quickly erected to keep me away by others; that look of rejection, which so often left me wishing I were, hansom, smart rich and important; that would cause others to want to know me or perhaps become me. You God never let me sense anything other than love and loving kindness, welcome and cared for.

Forgive my anger and resentment at those who don’t and won’t love people just like me. I can’t tell you what it means to be loved and cared for by you the God of heaven and earth, my Savior and my friend. It is easy for me to say, I can’t love those who I don’t know; I can’t love everyone. But you have and do; and if your Holy Spirit is within me, you remind me, you have given me that same capacity, and ability that I too can be the “healer, and restorer of a sense of personal value to a hurting world as you have been. May those who declare themselves to hate me and those like me, see in me the same love you had for the leper and the woman caught in adultery. Yes, Lord, there are moments when I put on the robe of judgment and condemn them, but your Spirit…, come Holy Spirit, pour out of me that which your presence brings, peace, reconciliation and yes, acceptance.

May you be seen in my life and living. Thank you for accepting me, but also for correcting and transforming me into the likeness of Yourself, Jesus. Jesus, of myself I can’t, and don’t want too, but because you are present, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It is your truth in power, living out in me. Yes, Lord I thank you for what you are making within me, AMEN! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Praying together on Monday November 14

I thank you for life itself, life in you. As I look back, I thank you for your protection from dangers seen, (the auto accident of last Tuesday) and those unseen, (perhaps you tell me about those when we’re together in eternity.) I thank you for your assurance of your love for me and how much you care for me. Some might think this is selfishness, but I needed to know that “you are the God who sees me.” Thank you for reminding me, cars can be replaced, but you’re not done with me and other like me, just yet. You have a purpose for us, may we continue to seek you, listen to you and trust you for what is your pleasure in us.

Lord, we’ve planned or will be planning our week in the next few hours, all the while knowing there will challenges, unplanned interruptions, and perhaps mood swings that what to throw us off, help me to lean into you, remembering you are not surprised by what just happened.

Prepare my heart for ministry, even if it only to those closest to me, how easy it is to look beyond my own household to see ministry. Jesus, it’s okay to mess with my schedule, I need you doing that every now and then, it reminds me who is in charge of my day and my life.  If I say my life is yours, then you have every right to do what you want, help me to breathe and accept your direction and what I can’t see as a blessing.

Help with the delays of my life, the disappointments and yes, even disillusionment, maybe that wasn’t what you wanted, even as I wanted “it” so very much. Bless me to learn how to enjoy ‘this moment’ with you. I thank you for the release of those things which I want so badly and you know…; I thank you for rest during this week’s journey as well, you know I will need it but won’t make time for it; and for laughter in an unexpected moment.  

Come Holy Spirit, I rest in you now, may there be moment of joy and refreshing, inspiration and direction; a calm in a sea of storms, at home, with the staff, fellow workers and yes, even management. You are present, not only in this moment, but for those to come, I thank you for being God, not only in the circumstances, but of my very life. I love you Jesus, not only for what you do, but for who you are!

I thank you for your blessing on this week and its work, and privilege you’ve given me to be your son and your servant, in Jesus Great Name I pray, AMEN!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Today, for someone just like me

Suffering and Sovereignty

In a sense all Christians are chosen vessels, because a Christian is a person chosen by God from the foundation of the world. But there are those Christians raised for a very special work, and we call them “sovereign vessels,” A sovereign vessel is someone chosen by God for a special work, and the more special the work, the more the specialized the suffering.

Jacob was a sovereign vessel, and we have already seen how he suffered – but he was undergoing the greatest trial yet. All that he went through in running from Esau, all that he endured after being with Laban, and all he suffered in losing Rachel, all of that was eclipsed when he saw the bloodstained coat of many colors. Not knowing that it had been dipped in the blood of a goat, he concluded his son Joseph was dead and would never seen him again. It was the trial of trials.

Perhaps you know great suffering, and just when you think you can’t take any more, lo and behold, something happens that turns into the worst ordeal you have ever undergone. Listen. It is a hint from God – you are a sovereign vessel – He doesn’t do that without a reason. Deep suffering is a strong hint that god has chosen you for a very special task. It’s an honor to a sovereign vessel. But if you want to volunteer to be a sovereign vessel, don’t do it until you are ready for God to deal with the sore spots in your life, for you have some. Some have sore spots, and it is though they have them forever and nothing is ever done about them. But if you have been raised up for a special work, God is going to refine you by dealing with these sore spots in your life. You may volunteer to be a sovereign vessel – but don’t do it until you are ready to pay the price. The connection between suffering and a sovereign vessel, is inseparable. One day you will look back and see the hand of God in everything.

Excerpted from All’s Well That Ends Well (Authentic Media, 2005) by R. T. Kendall

Monday, November 7, 2011

For my sisters, from a sister

Little Girl

by Laurie Cook on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 2:00pm
Little Girl
With cleavage, thighs, and stomach exposed announced,
“I’m a woman now.”
A woman.
Is a woman
So she’s told. So she’s shown. So she becomes.
Learning to seek her identity in
Eyes that peruse her
And hands that use her.
In sugar coated words
Swallowed so easily
Trying to fill
That space left by daddy
And now she has a baby
But she’s just as empty

This Little Girl
Now with her own
Little girl
Who watches Mama
For guidance in her world
Blind leading impressionable eyes
Down a road
That goes in circles
Traveled by fatherless generations
Seeking but never finding
But who’s to blame
When there is no guidance?
The media willingly
Stepping in to take the lead
So she watches closely to MTV
Showing her what a woman
Is supposed to be

Oh, Little Girl
Let me tell you the truth
You mean the world
To the very One
Who created the world
You don’t need any  man
To validate this fact
You don’t need to put on any act
To show that you’re all that!
You ARE all that
Because you ARE
Because He IS
Any other love
Is just a sip
Of the endless ocean
He offers that will fill
Your heart that’s broken

So Little Girl
Cover some of that skin
Your worth  has already been established
In Him
Show off
What you have within
Stand proud
That you are a daughter
Of the King
Who is everything
You could ever need
Don’t let anyone
Tell you otherwise
Stay close to Him
And you’ll quickly
Detect the lies
Let Him be your guide
Follow closely
And after awhile
People will see
That in Him
You are
What a woman should be

Friday, November 4, 2011

Why are many of our churches DYING?

Tell me what you think. Thanks, T.A.B.

“America has thousands of churches! There are some in Cathedrals, Small Chapels, Storefronts, Private Homes and Warehouses. Some of these churches are denominational and some are not, some are traditional and some are very unique, and finally some are growing and unfortunately MANY are DYING! There are a lot of churches, ministries, and Christian Centers that are on life support spiritually. Why? I believe the question is on the hearts and minds of many Pastors and church members, and the answer is available…BUT can we handle the TRUTH? 

The truth is something most Christians avoid like the plague! Why? I think we (Christians) would rather blame the devil for things that are really our fault and responsibility. Is the devil our enemy? Of course he is! But WE reap what WE sow. The church preaches a lot about sowing and reaping, especially when it comes to money and wealth. If you read the verses in Malachi about tithes, read carefully! It wasn’t the people God was rebuking, IT WAS THE PRIEST! But many churches lay this on the members and yet they don’t practice what they preach. Tithes in the Old Testament were not JUST for the priest! The Levites, The Strangers (homeless), The Widows, and the Fatherless ALL benefited from the tithe.

Local churches are supposed to make an impact on the communities they are in by GIVING back, (Matt. 5:14-16) Sinners should have to even confess and admit that the Church in their community makes a difference in the neighborhood! I want to give you ten answers to the QUESTION! “Why is my church dying!” Hold on to your hat’s the answers may shake up your traditional thinking…and make you THINK!” It is not a sin to think outside of the box of tradition…it is a sin to stay ineffective.

There is nothing wrong with having a storefront church! But if after 20 years your storefront church still has the same 12 members, you need to padlock the door and admit your church is dead! Saints should beget saints, we were saved to lead others to salvation in Jesus Christ! My prayer is that this small book will make you mad enough to do something!

Chaplain Mark H. Stevens, M.Min

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why Brokenness?

It is a paradox that to be useful we must be broken. The problem with brokenness is that I can harden my heart and refuse to allow God to make me useful.
"Very few of us know anything about loyalty to Christ or understand what He meant when He said, “. . . for My sake” (Matthew 5:11). That is what makes a strong saint.
Has that breaking of my independence come? All the rest is religious fraud. The one point to decide is— will I give up? Will I surrender to Jesus Christ, placing no conditions whatsoever as to how the brokenness will come? I must be broken from my own understanding of myself. When I reach that point, immediately the reality of the supernatural identification with Jesus Christ takes place. And the witness of the Spirit of God is unmistakable— “I have been crucified with Christ . . . .”" -  Chambers
May we be shattered by Him today so that we may be totally identified with Him in our every encounter today.
I am praying for you.

Sent by one of my brothers, what a blessing.
Love ya, T