Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Praying Together on Monday 1/9/12


I bless you today for your faithfulness to me. You have shown yourself to so much more than I could have known, thank you.

I pray today for these who have not only given their lives to you, but accepted you call to service to your body the church to those who don’t know your love them and our communities and those who live here.

As we set goals for this New Year and wonder what these new days will hold, may we seek not our own wisdom, but you. May we be content with accomplishing your goals and not our own. Help us to see the work we do from your prospective and not just numbers and dollars.

Holy Spirit we welcome you to our planning and purpose, and should you want to change our direction or provide a ‘course correction,’ may I be open to it, although I can’t see where you’re going with ‘that move.’ You are ‘up’ to something I can’t see just now; you’ve chosen not to let me in on what you’re doing, but I trust your heart.

As I sit alone in my cave, with its darkness, dampness and sometimes despair, comfort my heart, encourage my soul and allow me to believe that I will sing and dance once more, and for some of us, dance for the first and perhaps the only time in my life. I thank you that there will be a time of rejoicing and victory. Perhaps not over or in an event, but in the work and daily outworking of your Holy purpose, through people just like myself.

I pray today for those who serve in places that go unnoticed, with limited resources, and frankly for those without them; for those who are using their own resources and doing so without complaint. Bless them, you know who and where they are. And for those who fight for those who don’t or won’t fight for themselves, grant them blessing and peace knowing they did what they know is and was right for others. Others who are often tired from lost, from lack and yes, limitations, may they learn to stand again, and declare your truth and blessing for those beyond themselves.

I thank you for your love and blessing simply because you love us. In Christ name I pray, AMEN!!!

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