Monday, April 2, 2012

Praying Together on Monday - 4/2/2012


Today I begin by thanking you for whom and how you made me. How often have I asked you to remake me into what I thought I wanted to be, I honor you that you have ignored my foolish requests. You know what it is you desire for me to be and become, so I thank you for your Divine outline for my life. It isn't what I want, as it is what you desire and calling me to trust you and become. 

Yes, Lord I'm frustrated by what is and isn't going on around me. Forgive my anger because of what you have made others to be and I am not. If you wanted me to be them, you would have created me accordingly. So, THANK YOU for your gifting in my own life. Grant me patience to allow you to finish the work you started. Stand before me Jesus and allow me to see myself as you do. No, not the wishful wishing and wanting, but to see myself as you know I can be if I allow you to do your best work. 

Someone asked me, "what's up with you,..." frankly I won't admit it to anyone other than yourself, I have no idea, thank you for allowing those grand 'ideas,' I wanted and wished for, but you have not inspired. They would have made me look so good and 'cool.' but you were never in them or even near them, it was all about me. Forgive me Lord! Just as you were "led of the Spirit into the wilderness, ..." (Mark 1:9-15) it seem I too am there. Okay Lord, here I am, what do you want to do here??? Thank you for being here, I'm not alone, the room is quiet with only the sound of the waterfall, the light of a candle and humm of the computer fan to remind me, YOU are present as well. You are more than enough, THANK YOU!!!

If your purpose is that I become a blessing to others, grant me peace with your movement and direction. I am yours, not by any choice of mine, you sought me out, called me by name and somehow moved me to that one place I never wanted to be, yet I thank you for here, this place and time with all of its  challenges, frustrations, questions and yes, pain. I am not alone; you are present here, working things out, but choosing not to allow me to see you hand. Thank you for the awareness of Your presence. I thank you for here, this place, even as I struggle; thank you for your comfort and hope. Hold me tightly, I want to say all the right things, and yes, even believe them, but Abba, I need you more now than ever! 

I thank you for the interruptions, those annoying interruptions, which try to draw me away from these times with you. I thank you that you don't seem to mind, you just want to spend time with me, THANK YOU! It’s so easy to love you, because you're wonderful! AMEN!!!

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